How to write and essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Organisation Analysis and Design Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Association Analysis and Design - Case Study Example ALCAN Management made huge enhancements as far as collaboration, representative contribution and improvement of agreeable relations with worker's guilds. In any case, it is obvious from a case made by a support engineer that they were â€Å"treated like shit†that ALCAN was regarding individuals as â€Å"means†as â€Å"categories of status and capacity instead of as individuals†. This conduct had the result of crushing the significance of work itself, neglecting to perceive and use appropriately the organization’s most important asset. Associations, and ALCAN was no special case, have paid the consequences for these mentalities in the different types of laborer opposition, truancy and carelessness. 1.1 Organizational Structure Since Machine Bureaucracies are structures ridden with struggle, control frameworks are required to contain it. The amplified divisions of work, even and vertical, the solid departmental separation, the inflexible differentiation among line and staff, the inspirational issues emerging from the standard work of the working center saturated the structure with struggle. The machine administration is ordinarily found in the develop association, sufficiently enormous to have the volume of working work required for reiteration and normalization and mature enough to have had the option to choose the measures it wishes to utilize (Mintzberg, 1997;p120).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Representative Relations - Essay Example So as to help the subject a contextual analysis relating to the UK retail cooking segment has been given. The report is finished up through close to home perspectives and thoughts that had been created over the span of the research. 3 This report is planned to assess the degree to which the National Minimum Wage has been effective in overcoming any barrier among male and female laborers in the retail providing food area of the UK. While undertaking broad writing survey and drawing thoughts from applicable sources, the report has talked about the work conditions pervasive in the country and has additionally attempted to illuminate the component of equivalent business openings. It has additionally broke down the British workforce, and keeping in mind that assessing the arrangements for evenhanded installment of wages has examined the job that the National Minimum Wage. So as to help the subject a contextual investigation relating to the UK retail cooking segment has been given. The report is finished up through close to home perspectives and thoughts that had been produced over the span of the exploration. Sex segregation in workforce in UK has been in presence for a long time. Ladies workforce was principally found in low paid, low maintenance and low status employments. There were generally less number of ladies working in administrative, more significant levels of legal executive and governmental issues and senior level employments. The purpose for such low centralization of ladies was the way that ladies were expected to have an alternate job in the general public. They are customarily known to take care of the family and ascend the youngster (Goldsmith and Nickson, 1997). Anyway the numbers has changed radically in the 21st and an ever increasing number of ladies are joining the workforce which is a result of an expanding number of ladies seeking after advanced education. In 2005 number of working ladies in UK was 70%. Work can be ordered as Part time and Full time. Ladies basically attempt low maintenance work. In UK the level of ladies and men
Things that will Help you through College Essay Example For Students
Things that will Help you through College Essay Numerous individuals think being an undergrad is simple, however it isn't. I was one of those individuals, before I began school. Subsequent to beginning school, I understood that it was in no way like I thought it would have been. I needed to figure out how to deal with my time admirably, focus in class, be on time to each class, do things that are hardest first, and request help when required. How might I be fruitful, on the off chance that I don't do these things? Dealing with my time was the hardest for me to do. I need to keep a house clean, deal with two mutts, compose letters to my better half, and discover time to examine. We will compose a custom paper on Things that will Help you through College explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I concluded that it was ideal to clean my home toward the beginning of the day, and do my concentrating toward the evening. I would take the pooches out in the middle of cleaning and examining. Before preparing for bed, I would compose my letters to my significant other. Having a timetable is better at that point attempting to pack everything in at once. Focusing and taking notes will assist me with showing signs of improvement grades. In the event that I don't do these things in class, I won't have the option to pass. It is essential to realize what to do with the goal that I do it right the first run through. For example, I have a task due by Thursday. By what means will I realize what to do on it in the event that I was not focusing? Numerous individuals are late. I have learned since I have begun school that if I somehow happened to be late three time it considers a missing. I have just been late once, and I attempt to be on schedule. In the wake of being missing such a large number of days that influences my GPA, and I could even bomb the class. I picked up information on the work that I experience difficulty with. For instance, in math class we are relegated the odd issues. I would do a couple of the issues that I was acceptable at, and afterward do the issues that I battled with. This is on the grounds that I definitely realize how to do the simple ones. In the event that I experienced difficulty with the harder ones, I could request that the instructor disclose it to me. I needed to understand that I required assistance, and not be hesitant to request it. I was consistently reluctant to pose inquiries in class since I didn't need individuals to feel that I was idiotic, or ridicule me. I have understood that the main stupid inquiry is the inquiry that isn't posed. In any case, I have learned in the wake of being in school for very nearly a month that I am by all account not the only one who needs to pose inquiries, or get a coach. Getting a mentor doesn't imply that I am stupid it just implies that I need assistance. Dealing with my time is likewise significant. On the off chance that I don't deal with my time, I won't have the option to achieve such should be finished. Focusing in each class is significant as well, in such a case that not I won't get the evaluations expected to pass. I additionally attempt to be on time to class, supposing that I am not how might that look while going after a position? Each time I am alloted a hard venture, I attempt to deal with it a little at once and not across the board sitting. I am very much educated, since beginning school that it is alright to request help when I need it. I have to remember every one of these things since they will help me all through my school vocation.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fathers of Confederation essays
Fathers of Confederation articles The idea of Fathers of Confederation for the most part gives us the possibility of the individuals who were liable for making Canada what it is today. Your privilege as well, But there is all the more too it then that. The Fathers of Confederation were government officials that spoke to the British-North American settlements at least one of the two conferances that drove the route to the Charlottetown Conferance which settled on weither the maritimes was going to join the remainder of the country or was going to state a British Colony or mabey simply go off all alone. There were three factors that added to this conversation and they were. An) A political halt with the parliment of Canada. B) The danger of American development. C) Economic turn of events and the railroad development. There were 36 government officials that had that were going to these conferance's nevertheless three of them were one's that truly affected what Canada is today, henceforth Fathers of Confederation. The main individual is the person that everybody has seen yet dosn't know it, John A. Macdonald. He's the person on the 5 dollar greenback. Macdonald was an exceptionally amazing power that back up confederation. He initially was a legal advisor in the 1930's and that is everything he did was law. Macdonald was chosen for the administrative get together of Canada at the age of 28. He was on the two sides of the Goverment and the Oppisition until the appointment of 1854. In this time he made the Liberal Conservitive gathering. In 1856 he got joint premire of Canada west. The political dead was at beginning in any case Macdonald so he began lay the tracks for confederation. Macdonald was a solid, brought together pioneer who made alot of beneficial things occur. George Brown is the following individual the influance Canada. Earthy colored was a solid and compelling distributer, bussinessman, and parlimentarian in Upper Canada. In 1844 Earthy colored had established what was to be the most remarkable newpaper in British America. For a lonf time he support ... <!
Blog Archive mbaMission Offers a New Primer and an Online Event for Deferred Admissions Program Candidates
Blog Archive mbaMission Offers a New Primer and an Online Event for Deferred Admissions Program Candidates A new year is upon us, and we at mbaMission are proud to announce our first new publication of the year: the HBS 2+2 and Deferred Admissions Primer! In deferred admissions programs, undergraduate students can be accepted to an MBA program during their last year of studies and enroll after gaining a pre-determined amount of work experience. These programs have increasingly attracted interest following the 2008 launch of the 2+2 Program at Harvard Business Schoolâ€"one of the first top business schools to do so. Since then, several other high-ranking schools have launched similar programs, and many more have expressed an interest in creating one in the future. Because the idea of applying to an MBA program while still pursuing an undergraduate degree is fairly new, many candidates have questions regarding such basics as who is eligible to apply, which schools offer these programs, and what the programs entail. Our new HBS 2+2 and Deferred Admissions Primer answers all of these questions and many more, in addition to providing insight regarding the interview process and what kinds of applicants have been successful in the past as well as quotes from former students. Download the free primer here! While you are at it, be sure to take part in the free upcoming online event about deferred admissions programs presented by Manhattan Prep and hosted by mbaMission’s founder and president, Jeremy Shinewald. This session takes place at 9 p.m. EST on Wednesday, January 23, and offers insider insight on how to make your application stand out from the thousands that admissions committees see each year. Enroll in the session here to ensure your spot! Share ThisTweet Harvard University (Harvard Business School) News
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Hate Crimes Theories in the Gwen Araujo Case - Free Essay Example
Gwen Araujo was born February 24, 1985 under the name Eddie Araujo. However, this was not who Gwen was. She was a trans woman. Moreover, Gwen was victim of a heinous hate crime and was murdered on October 3, 2002 for simply being who she was. Gwen was seventeen years old when she murdered by four men in Newark, California (Rook, 2016). But lets review what led to the night of Gwens murder. Gwen met her assailants, Michael Magidson, Jose Merà ©l, Jaron Nabors, and Jason Cazares, during the summer of 2002. During this time she was also undergoing hormone replacement therapy (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018). However, it is reported that she had oral sex with Magidson and anal sex with Merà ©l, but was able to keep the secret of her male sex organs by claiming to be menstruating and keeping the mens hands away from her private areas (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018). Later on the night Gwen would die, she attended a party at a house rented by Merà ©l. It was on this night at the party that the men would discover Gwens secret via forced inspection and this angered the men to the point of violence (Rook, 2016). The autopsy showed Gwen died of strangulation and blunt force trauma to the head. The men disposed of Gwens body four hours away and buried her near the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018). Gwens disappearance and murder went unreported for days by both the men and other partygoers until Nabors became distraught and led authorities to the grave site in exchange for his guilty plea to voluntary manslaughter and a promise to testify at the trial (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018, slide 17). Nabors was sentenced to eleven years in prison. Magidson and Merà ©l were both convicted of second-degree murder, but not convicted of the hate crime enhancement allegations, they were both sentenced for fifteen years (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018, slide 17). Cazares was sentenced to six years in prison and pleaded no contest to manslaughter (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 5, Class 7 Slurs, 2018, slide 17). The psychological theory is a micro level theory and it is what most people think of when they think of hate crimes (Ghazi-Tehra ni, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018). Most theoretical accounts of hate crime assume a necessary psychological cause because leading definitions of hate crime presuppose individual hostility toward the victims social group (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018, slide 10). The functional approach serves some kind of need and thus acts as sort of a coping mechanism and is mentally beneficial to the person (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018). Looking at Gwens case through this lens it is possible that once the men found out Gwen was trans, they thought violence was the only way to cope with the fact that they had sexual interactions with a trans person, or in their eyes, a biological man. In addition to this, it is also possible that the four men involved in Gwens murder had different motivations for committing the crime, but yet, they still committed the same crime, which can be understood via the functional approach. For this case one of the probable benefits is the expressive function of the psychological theory. To be more specific, the defensive part of the expressive function is defined as lowering a persons anxiety resulting from her or his unconscious psychological conflicts, such as those connected to sexuality and gender (G hazi-Tehran, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018, slide 14). In relation to this case the fact that they had sexual interactions with a trans women could symbolize unacceptable part of the self (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018, slide 15). I believe the men felt confused and betrayed by the fact that they had sexual interaction with a trans woman and because of their confusion, acted in anger. Along those lines that they had to show the other guys in the group they were not gay, even though they had sex with Gwen. In addition, it is possible that the value expressive, which is also an expressive function of the psychological theory, played a role. The value expressive enables people to affirm their belief in and adherence to important values that are closely related to their self-concepts (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018, slide 14). So it could be that one of the four men just felt very negatively towards the trans and the LGBTQ+ community and took this negative emotion out on Gwen. Finally, there is also the likelihood that because this crime involved a group of guys that it could actually be a case of social expressive, which is another expressive function. Social expressive strengthens ones se nse of belonging to a groups and helps an individual gain acceptance, approval, or love from other people whom he or she considers important (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 6, Class 8 Individual Theory, 2018, slide 14). So it could be that one or more of the men continued this act because he felt that he had to do it to gain or remain accepted by the other men. Interactional theories of hate crime as the name suggests focuses on all the different types of human interaction, in addition to its structure, content, and the process of it (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 7, Class 10 Social Psychological Theory, 2018). The interactional theory is basically described as being an intense form of doing difference (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 7, Class 10 Social Psychological Theory, 2018). Within the interactional theory, doing difference or, in this case, doing gender is the most represented in this case. Doing gender was the early basis of West and Zimmermans idea of doing difference. The definition of doing gender is the idea that in Western culture, gender, rather than being an innate quality of individuals, is a psychologically ingrained social construct that actively surfaces in everyday human interaction (Ghazi-Tehrani, W eek 7, Class 10 Social Psychological Theory, 2018, slide 25). However, the reason this case happened was because the perpetrators viewed Gwen as doing gender wrong. Because in their eyes she was a he, but he was living as a woman, which in their minds was wrong. In the article A General Theories of Hate Crime? Strain, Doing Difference and Self Control (2011) the author explains doing difference as the following example: For instance, if gay people make public their sexual orientation through visible displays of affection or by opening establishments patronised predominantly by gay people, they threaten the heteronormativity of civilised society. In response to this blatant deviation from societys sexual norm, many people will wish to suppress gay people for fear that they will increasingly encroach upon societys sexual identity (p. 318). Similarly, people feel the need to suppress trans people, like Gwen, out of fear. The article continues to discuss how then hate crimes and other acts of violence are used to attempt to punish members of the LGBTQ+ community and others for trying to live differently than the social and cultural norms and boundaries (Walters, 2011). In the case of Gwen, it is completely possible the four men were using violen ce to punish Gwen for being trans and living a life not socially accepted by their idea of societys norms. Thus, the idea of doing difference is really just an overarching fear of people being different that the mass majority. One of the theories in which this case is not is an economic theory. The economic theory traces violence to economic conditions and adverse economic conditions to a source of social strain (Ghazi-Tehrani, Week 8, Class 11 Sociological and Economic Theories, 2018, slide 25). This crime, however, was not economically motivated because there was no threat to the mens ability to attain wealth or a job, nor was the crime impacted by other economic conditions, such as an economic downturn. Magidson and Merà ©l claimed trans panic defense and thus avoided the hate crime enhancement. The trans panic defense is a variation of the gay panic defense, which, refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual loses control and commits a violent crime against a gay individual when faced with unwanted sexual advances. (Tomei Cramer, 2016, p. 217). The Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act was enacted in 2006 and now exists to hopefully limit further gay/trans panic claims. Moreover, it was strengthened in 2014 when a law further prevented the use of this defense. Dylan Vade is cited to have stated, Transgender people do not deceive. We are who we are (Wodda Panfil, 2015, p. 927). The theories that relate to this case are psychological and interactional, and the re are possibly even more. But all the theories and logic do not negate the fact that a beautiful woman died for being who she was. Regardless of what the court said, this case should be viewed for what it is: a heinous hate crime. But after such horrendous crimes like the cases of Matthew Shepard, James Byrd Jr., and Gwen Araujo we have luckily seen legal reform in acts such as the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act.
Monday, May 25, 2020
My Life From A Theoretical Perspective Essay - 2134 Words
Introduction Human beings are always in constant development process, throughout their life history. People often pass various stages and occurrences in life, which in one way or the other shape their being into what they are today. Actually, this is the reason why sociologists argue that we are the product of our environment, implying that every human behavior emanated from what they saw or experienced in life. In relation to this, this paper will discuss at length about my individual development narrative, and go a notch higher to explain every occurrence/stage in my life from a theoretical perspective. Prenatal stage My parents were Egyptians though my father and mother used to live and work in Kuwait and New Zealand, as expatriates respectively. By virtue of this, I was born in New Zealand since that the exact geographic location, where my mother used to work. However, as I grew up I used to travel back and forth between these two countries, depending on my personal preferences. Nonetheless, when my mother had my pregnancy, she enrolled on a yoga session; perhaps she could stay fit and healthy. Besides the prenatal yoga being important during the labor period, it certainly improved my health when I was still a fetus up to when I was delivered. For instance, health researchers believe that prenatal yoga, which my mother enrolled to, offers mindfulness to mothers who have insecure attachment. This type of mindfulness, which my mother obtained from the practice, wouldShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Film Dead Man Walking 798 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The theoretical perspective I found most convincing when analyzing the behavior of the main character, Mathew Poncelot, in the film, Dead Man Walking, are the ideologies of sociologist Max Weber. He believed that rather than only focusing on one’s social actions, it is instead important to understand why people do the things that they do (Long-Crowell). 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