Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Manac Plc. Models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken Essay
Manac Plc. Models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken by organizations, critically reflecting upon their usefulness - Essay Example The pricing policy of a firm is affected by a number of factors which contains the variable and fixed costs of the firm and the ecological factors which contains competitor analysis and legal analysis. Pricing models can be utilized to explain, forecast or explain pricing circumstances, or to prescribe pricing decisions. Irrespective of their planned use, however, models are basically abstractions of actuality. Even though they are less difficult than the real world, models should have relevant possessions of the realism they are calculated to represent. A number of more particular criteria served as the foundation for evaluating the pricing models are reviewed. Two criteria are valid to the assumptions on which the form is based. Such assumptions must be stated openly so that the user is cognizant of their existence and so able to assess their relevance and importance. Secondly, the assumptions must be realistic. â€Å"The pricing decision is a critical one for most marketers, yet the amount of attention given to this key area is often much less than is given to other marketing decisions. One reason for the lack of attention is that many believe price setting is a mechanical process requiring the marketer to utilize financial tools, such as spreadsheets, to build their case for setting price levels†(Pricing Decisions 1998). ... However, pricing decisions have vital consequences for the marketing organization and the concentration given by the dealer to pricing is just as significant as the concentration given to extra identifiable marketing actions. Some significant causes affect pricing include: Most Flexible Marketing Mix Variable: For dealers, price is the large amount variable of all marketing choices. Unlike distribution and product decisions, which can take years or months to change or several forms of promotion which may be time consuming to change, price can be changed very quickly. The elasticity of pricing choices is chiefly significant in times when the dealer seeks to rapidly stimulate demand or respond to contestant value actions. For instance, a marketer can get on a field salesperson’s request to lesser cost for a possible vision throughout a phone discussion. Similarly, a dealer in charge of online processes can raise costs on hot selling products with the click of a few website butto ns. Setting the Right Price: Pricing decisions made quickly without adequate research, analysis and planned evaluation can lead a losing income to the marketing organization. Prices set also may signify that the company is missing out on extra profits that could be earned if the target market is eager to spend extra to obtain the product. Furthermore, efforts to raise an originally low priced product to a higher cost can be met by consumer resistance as they can feel that the dealer is effecting to take benefit of their consumers. Setting of high prices can also impact on income as it prevents interested consumers from purchasing the manufactured goods. For setting the right price, substantial market knowledge is important and mostly, with new products testing of different
Monday, October 28, 2019
French and Indian War DBQ Revise Essay Example for Free
French and Indian War DBQ Revise Essay In the course of years through 1754-1763 the British were engaged in a war with their rival French. The conflict was known as the French and Indian War. It started when the colonies could not shift west, and the British trying to settle in the Ohio Valley and the French did not want them to expand. It was played entirely in North America with the colonials on the British side. The conflicts between French and the British would cause a drastic change in the colonial-British relationship. It would alter the political, economic, and philosophical relations. The political aspect would change when the British would start taxing the colonies to pay of debt accumulated by the war. Just like James Ottis said, â€Å"No taxation without representation,†The colonies agree with the statement and believed they had the right to be represented. If they had representation, it would have been virtual, instead of direct. With direct representation the colonies would be able to overpower the government and vote for someone with their interests. The colonists though during this time were not use to the British paying so much attention, because Salutary Neglect happened before the war. This was when they loosely enforced the laws on the colonists. Other then the British now enforcing laws, the colonists also did not appreciate when they declared the Proclamation of 1763. Canassatego, chief said, â€Å"We must insist on your removing them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ They set the proclamation to keep the Indians happy. This helped prevent another uproar like Pontiacs Rebellion, and also did not allow colonists to move westward. Also, during the war to keep the Iroquois Indians pleased, Franklin called the Albany Congress into plan. The economical piece also differed during the war. In the war, the British collected a great amount of debt. They believed that the colonials should be taxed to help pay off this debt. The British order in council said, â€Å"Not only is revenue impaired, but the commerce of colonies diverted for its natural course†(Doc F). They also believed in mercantilism, were they exported more than imported. By doing this they lost money and supplies, while benefiting the mother country. To repair money situations, the Navigation Acts were enforced to start generating revenue. After the Navigation Acts were enforced, the first act declared to raise money came to power. It was known as the Stamp Act. In Document H, â€Å"The TIMES are Dreadful, Doleful, Dismal, Dolorous, and DOLLAR-LESS†(Newspaper Masthead). This was proof of the colonies hatred to the stamp tax. The stamp act was like sales tax, where all merchandise purchased must be stamped. In the letter to John Huges from Benjamin Franklin, â€Å"Undertaking to execute it may make you unpopular for a time†(Doc G). The act by the British was unpopular with the colonist, because they did not want to help by paying the debt. Along with economics, the philosophical stance of America toward the British changed as well. At the end of the war colonists were feeling powerful and more independent minded. The French were no longer a threat and they had the desire to expand westward. The British on the other hand thought of the colonies in a whole different way. They believed they were laze and backwards. George Washington, â€Å"I wish earnestly to attain some knowledge of the military profession†(Doc C). George Washington worked with Braddock with the British and even ending the war his views started to change. With the average age being sixteen and doubling every twenty-five years the British would not allow the colonies direct vote. They could not let, because with the French out of the way the colonies could now take over with their population growing rapidly. With the population growing they wanted to expand west, but the Proclamation of 1763 would not permit it. Also now much of the land had shifted to the Spanish, with the French gone, as displayed in document A. The colonies believed they were being treated unfairly. In Massachusetts Soldier’s diary, â€Å"Who are but little better than slaves to their officers†(Doc D). The British wee cruel to them and this put an enormous impact on their relations. The political, economic, and philosophical relations of the British-colonial ship would be differed for the future to come. The relationship was strained, because of taxes needed to repay war debt, and not being represented for it. To have the claim over the river valley, but try to keep the Indians within their trust. They were there to please themselves and In the end the French lost almost all of the North American land that went to the Spanish. These conflicts led to the North American war called the French and Indian War, and later a greater conflict around the world as the seven years war.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
The sonnet is a form of poetry that is vastly used among poets. There are usually two types of sonnets in poetry, the Shakespearean sonnet and the Italian sonnet. Sonnets are typically defined as poems made up of 14 lines that rhyme in a specific way. William Butler Yeats’ â€Å"Leda and the Swan†is an example of an Italian sonnet. It consists of 14 lines and the rhyme scheme is ABABCDCDEFGEFG. In his poem, Yeats’ uses the sonnet form in many traditional ways. However Yeats’ also revises the sonnet form in order to help readers understand the main theme of the poem, which is rape. The poem starts off very surprising. In the first stanza, the speaker says, â€Å"A sudden blow: the great wings still/ Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed/ By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill/ He holds her helpless breast upon his breast†(1-4). Right away the speaker seems surprised. The girl wasn’t expecting a blow anytime soon and was knocked down. She seems disoriented and unsure of what’s going on. The bird is described as having â€Å"great wings.†This diction makes him seem powerful. Furthermore, he is above Leda and starts caressing her thighs. She seems helpless at this point. In line three of the poem, the swan grabs her neck with his bill. Then, he holds her closer so that their breasts can touch. The language here creates a very intimate setting. In addition to that, Leda’s breast is described as helpless. It seems that she can’t do anything and must let the rape continue. The way the poem is being told in the first stanza seems to allude to the myth of Leda and the Swan in Greek mythology. It seems that Yeats’ wants to portray the swan as the Greek god Zeus in the poem. In the second stanza, the speaker asks two questions. The spe... ...tead of foreshadowing the future. The speaker wonders if she knew what was going on while she was being raped and the consequences of Zeus’ actions. Furthermore, since this is an Italian sonnet, it is divided into two sections. The first section consists of the first eight lines and is called the octave. The second section is called the subset and consists of the final six lines of the poem. In the poem, the first part talks about Leda being raped by the powerful swan. She is helpless and even though she struggles, she cannot escape. This part of the poem focuses on Leda’s view of the situation. In the subset, the swan finally finishes raping Leda and the poem moves on to address what exactly has happened. In the subset, the speaker narrates the consequences of the rape. These consequences include the burning of the city of Troy and the Trojan War. In conclusion,
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tddc17 – Lab 2 Search
TDDC17 - ? Lab 3 Part 2 Q5 P (Meltdown) = 0,02578 P(Meltdown | Ica weather) = 0. 03472 b)  Suppose that both warning sensors indicate failure. What is the risk of a meltdown in that case? Compare this result with the risk of a melt- ? down when there is an actual pump failure and water leak. What is the difference? The answers must be expressed as conditional probabilities of the observed variables, P(Meltdown|†¦ ). P(Meltdown | PumpFailureWarning, WaterLeakWarning) = 0,14535 P (Meltdown | PumpFailure, WaterLeak) = 0,2 c)  The conditional robabilities for the stochastic variables are often estimated by repeated experiments or observations. Why is it sometimes very difficult to get accurate numbers for these? What conditional probabilites in the model of the plant do you think are difficult or impossible to estimate? a) What is the risk of melt- ? down in the power plant during a day if no observations have been made? What if there is icy weather? It is hard to ful ly understand all possible factors that can effect or trigger an event and how they interact with each other.Observations are always a description of the past and is not always accurate in forecasting the future. E. g. Icy weather is not a thing you can measure and span over a wide range of weather conditions including combinations of precipitation, wind and temperature. d)  Assume that the â€Å"IcyWeather†variable is changed to a more accurate â€Å"Temperature†variable instead (don't change your model). What are the different alternatives for the domain of this variable? What will happen with the robability distribution of P(WaterLeak | Temperature) in each alternative? The domain decreases in size of possible states as for example precipitation and wind is no longer a part of the estimations. The temperature will be represented as an absolute number or intervals, instead of just true or false. Resulting in a lot more defining of the probabilities of the child nodes with aspect to each value/interval of temperature. Q6 a) What does a probability table in a Bayesian network represent?The probability table shows the probability for all states of the node given the states of the parent nodes. b)  What is a joint probability distribution? Using the chain rule on the structure of the Bayesian network to rewrite the joint distribution as a product of P(child|parent) expressions, calculate manually the particular entry in the joint distribution of P(Meltdown=F, PumpFailureWarning=F, PumpFailure=F, WaterLeakWaring=F, WaterLeak=F, IcyWeather=F). Is this a common state for the nuclear plant to be in? Kedjeregeln ger foljanade:P(alla ar falska) = P(ICYWEATHER) * P(PUMPFAILURE) * P(PW | PUMPFAILURE) * P(MELTDOWN| PUMPFAILURE, WL) * P(WL | ICYWEATHER) * P(WATERLEAKW | WL) = 0,95 * 0,9 * 0,95 * 1 * 0,9 * 0,95 = 0,69 Ja, detta ar ett vanligt tillstand. c)  What is the probability of a meltdown if you know that there is both a water leak and a pump failure? Would knowing the state of any other variable matter? Explain your reasoning! P(Meltdown | PumpFailure, WaterLeak ) = 0,8. No other variables matter. When all the parents values are observed they alone determine the child value. ) Calculate manually the probability of a meltdown when you happen to know that PumpFailureWarning=F, WaterLeak=F, WaterLeakWarning=F and IcyWeather=F but you are not really sure about a pump failure. P(Meltdown = T | PUMPFAILURE osaker, resten falska )= P(ICYWEATHER) * P(WL | ICYWEATHER) * P(WATERLEAKW | WATERLEAK)* [P(PUMPFAILURE=T) * P(PW | PUMPFAILURE=T) * P(MELTDOWN=T | PUMPFAILURE=T,WL) + P(PUMPFAILURE=F) * P(PW | PUMPFAILURE=F) * P(MELTDOWN=T | PUMPFAILURE=F,WL)] = 0,95 * 0,9 * 0,95 * (0,1 * 0,1 * 0,16 + 0,9 * 0,95 * 0,01) = 0,008 (1)P(MELTDOWN=F | PUMPFAILURE osaker, resten falska)=P(ICYWEATHER) * P(WL | ICYWEATHER) * P(WATERLEAKW | WL)* [P(PUMPFAILURE=T) * P(PW | PUMPFAILURE=T) * P(MELTDOWN=F | PUMPFAILURE=T,WL) @+ P(PUMPFAILURE=F) * P(PW | PUMPFAILURE=F) * P(MELTDOWN=F | PUMPFAILURE=F,WL)] = 0,95 * 0,9 * 0,95 * (0,1 * 0,1 * 0,84 + 0,9 * 0,95 * 0,99) =0,694 (2) (1) och (2) =; alfa = 1 / (0,008 + 0,69) = 1,42 0,008 * 1,42 = 0,012 0,694 * 1,42 = 0,988 Part 3 During the lunch break, the owner tries to show off for his employees by demonstrating the many features of his car stereo. To everyone's disappointment, it doesn't work. How did the owner's chances of urviving the day change after this observation? Without knowing whether the radio is working or not, the probability of him surviving is 0,99001. If the radio is not working the probability is 0,98116. How  does the bicycle change the owner's chances of survival? With the bicycle the probability of surviving is 0. 99505. Small increase. It  is possible to model any function in propositional logic with Bayesian Networks. What does this fact say about the complexity of exact inference in Bayesian Networks? What alternatives are there to exact inference? Yes but i t might be complex and you might sometimes have to add new nodes.For example if you want to model an OR-relationship you have to add a new node with truthtable probabilities that match. An alternative to exat inference is probabilistic indifference. Things might not always be true or false with a predefined probability. With probabilistic inference yuou can reuse a full joint distribution as the â€Å"knowledge base†Part 4 Changes in graph Mr. H-S sleeping ( T = 0. 3, F = 0. 7) Mr HS reacts in a competent way: WaterleakWarn. Pumpfailurewarning Mr HS sleeping T T T T F F F F T T F F T T F F T F T F T F T F T 0. 0 0. 8 0. 0 0. 7 0. 0 0. 7 0. 0 0. 0 P(Survives | Meltdown, Mr HS reacts) incresing 9% (0. 9) The  owner had an idea that instead of employing a safety person, to replace the pump with a better one. Is it possible, in your model, to compensate for the lack of Mr H. S. ‘s expertise with a better pump? Yes, by increasing the probability of the pump not failing w ith 0. 05. The chance of survival increases to 0. 99713 Mr  H. S. fell asleep on one of the plant's couches. When he wakes up he hears someone scream: â€Å"There is one or more warning signals beeping in your control room! â€Å". Mr H. S. realizes that he does not have time to fix the error before it is to late (we can assume that he wasn't in the control room at ll). What is the chance of survival for Mr H. S. if he has a car with the same properties as the owner? (notice that this question involves a disjunction which can not be answered by querying the network as is) Clarification:Maybe something could be added to or modified in the network. By adding a new node called warning, which represents the OR-relationship of WaterLeakWarning and PumpFailureWarning, i. e. Warning is true if WaterLeakWarning is true or if PumpFailureWarning is true or if They are both true and is false if they are both false. P(survives) = 0. 98897 if Warning is observed true. What  unrealistic a ssumptions o you make when creating a Bayesian Network model of a person? That a persons actions are predictable and that he never gains more experience as time passes, which would effect the probabilities of his actions. Describe how you would model a more dynamic world where for example the â€Å"IcyWeather†is more likely to be true the next day if it was true the day before. You only have to consider a limited sequence of days. By adding nodes representing the weather of the previous days. E. g. one node representing the day before, one bubble representing the day before that and so on†¦ Tommy Oldeback, tomol475 Emma Ljungberg, emmlj959
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Filipino crab mentality Essay
Individuals have been aspiring for a progress in their country. With this kind of mindset, a nation will be able to embrace prosperity. On the other hand, the Philippines still remains to be poor even though we, Filipinos, have been longing for its progression. We have this disease called crab mentality that is one of the reasons that hinders the growth of our nation and is a great obstacle to the entire citizenry of our country. â€Å"If I can’t have it, neither can you. †– A very popular phrase that runs along the way of thinking of many Filipinos. This short-sighted, selfish, non-constructive thinking is called crab mentality. Crab mentality that exists among many Filipinos was first coined by Ninotchka Rosca, is metaphorically illustrated by the behavior of crabs in a bucket. All of them are struggling for survival so they desperately need to get out of the bucket. One crab tries to climb its way out of the bucket but the other crabs beneath him will not let him escape and drags him down, thinking â€Å"If I can’t escape here, then you cannot too. †In the end, all of them will not be able to get out of the bucket. Crab mentality, as narrated by Kane Lawless, is a term used colloquially referring to a person trying to leave an unprivileged-life but is kept from doing so by other people who hold them back for they resent that person’s success. It is an act of keeping others from getting what they want and not wanting others to be successful. This prevalent Crab mentality is also reflected on the famous saying â€Å"we all like our friends to get ahead, but not too far ahead. †The tendency is they knock those people ahead of them down. A person pulls you down just to get them to the top or if it seems that that person can’t get out of his or her bad life, he or she pulls you down so that both of you will share the same misery. Filipino crab mentality entered the picture when the Spaniards colonized our country. Natural-born Filipino natives (indios) worked as servants to the peninsulares (Spaniards born in Spain but residing in the islands) and insulares (Spaniards who were already born in the Islands). In order to survive, indios totally embraced the crab mentality. They destroyed the reputation of a favorite. Once the damage had been done, the indios then presented themselves as better to others for them to become the new favorite of the peninsulares and insulares. Crab mentality was still practiced even after the Spanish colonization where we were next colonized by the Japanese and Americans. Decades passed but until now, traces of crab mentality have remained with modern-day Filipino (Americanenglish. ph). Unfortunately, such mentality is widely shown everywhere. It is found in business, charitable organizations, social networks, politics, education, and religion. It’s also found across race, gender, and even at home. Crab mentality is like a zero sum game where a gain by one player must be matched by a loss of another player. There is no mutually beneficial exchange. There are only losers and winners in this world view, and everyone is into making someone else a loser. It is common in places which have competitive environment like in an organization or at an office. A struggling worker possesses crab mentality for he negates the successful deeds of his coworkers. Workers snag at each other to pull them down rather than congratulating someone who earns a promotion. People who attempts to get out of misery often find themselves foiled by friends and relatives who keep them sucking back in. When someone decided to pursue a college at a prestigious university, some of his friends, neighbors or even family members would discourage him to so that he won’t be able to get out of his bad life situation or that he could not get ahead of them. In the world of politics, there is a character assassination. Politicians possess crustacean sensibilities. According to James, â€Å"the crab mentality in the losers of the election will not let the winners succeed. The crab mentality in them will try to pull those in power down. †For example, if Manny Villar wins, Jamby Madrigal camp will not simply shut up and pray Villar becomes a successful president. If Noynoy Aquino wins, the pro-Manny Villar group will probably not work together with Noynoy in helping him to attain progress for the country. They will not praise for their opponents vision of the Philippines nor they will help each other but they will find a new dirt to throw at someone else face instead. This mentality strikes at all levels. Neighbors are defaming neighbors through bad rumors and gossips. Jeepney drivers flat the tires of their fellow drivers’ jeepney for them not to obtain higher income for the day. Students are destroying their classmates’ work or project so they won’t get higher grades than them. Why is there crab mentality? Crab mentality is manifested by the acts of hate, greed, envy, and jealousy. Men behave like crabs when these acts control their heart. They try to outdo each other because of insecurities and selfishness. The crab mentality exists because of the man’s unseen emotional demands and burning envy of the achievements and possessions of others. When one envies somebody, one of his natural reactions is to knock him down and that best describes crab mentality. Crab mentality is something that can be found in all segments of the society. It is reaching the top at the expense of others. Individuals hinder the path of the one aspiring for progress. They knock others down to acquire their position or to prevent them succeed. Like the crab, some people believe that lifting their selves up is to bring others down. Crab people may try to bring you down with every way they can, with anger, verbal attacks, spreading false information, talking behind your back, destroying your works and efforts, and discouraging you to greener pastures. They’ll ruin your reputation for you to lose your self-confidence and to stop reaching your dreams. We, Filipinos, fall as victim to the malady of crab mentality that wrecks the reputation of our country and that interferes to our nation’s progress. The Philippines just can’t seem to move forward with this mentality and we still wonder why our country remains poor. So who suffers in the end? Who are trapped all together and can’t ever escape in a bucket? All of us. WORKS CITED: Americanenglish. ph. Overcoming Crab Mentality Stigma with Better English Skills. 23 July 2013. Lawless, Kane. â€Å"Crab Mentality†a Universal trait of Mediocrity. The Madness to the Ties That Bind. 26 October 2010. Rosca, Ninotchka. Lily Pad. 05 September 2007. _______, James. The Crab Mentality of the Filipino people. 1 August 2009.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Baseball Strike
On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports’ history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the exclusive right, at the close of each season, to resign each player on his roster. If the owner chose to renew a players contract, that player had the option of agreeing to those terms or not playing baseball. As a result of the obvious imbalance in the labor situation, the players attempted on several occasions to organize a union. Although this process may seem like a simple one, baseball has proven that it can be very difficult. The players have been represented by various unions in the twentieth century, all of which have failed until the current union, the Major League Baseball Players Association. After fourteen years of negotiations between the current union and the owners’ representative, the first ‘basic labor agreement’ between the two parties was reached. Led by Marvin Miller in 1968, the players received higher minimum salaries, better health insurance plans, and increases in retirement benefits. These so called â€Å"Basic Agreements†in major industries usually turn out to be more complex. As a result, strikes and lockouts have occurred ever since (Koppett 23). The baseball strike which occurred in 1994 was really about one thing; money. Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellatio... Free Essays on Baseball Strike Free Essays on Baseball Strike On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports’ history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the exclusive right, at the close of each season, to resign each player on his roster. If the owner chose to renew a players contract, that player had the option of agreeing to those terms or not playing baseball. As a result of the obvious imbalance in the labor situation, the players attempted on several occasions to organize a union. Although this process may seem like a simple one, baseball has proven that it can be very difficult. The players have been represented by various unions in the twentieth century, all of which have failed until the current union, the Major League Baseball Players Association. After fourteen years of negotiations between the current union and the owners’ representative, the first ‘basic labor agreement’ between the two parties was reached. Led by Marvin Miller in 1968, the players received higher minimum salaries, better health insurance plans, and increases in retirement benefits. These so called â€Å"Basic Agreements†in major industries usually turn out to be more complex. As a result, strikes and lockouts have occurred ever since (Koppett 23). The baseball strike which occurred in 1994 was really about one thing; money. Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellatio...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The arguments for and against the availability of Safe Injecting Rooms Essays
The arguments for and against the availability of Safe Injecting Rooms Essays The arguments for and against the availability of Safe Injecting Rooms Essay The arguments for and against the availability of Safe Injecting Rooms Essay Essay Topic: Arguments Health The risks caused by injecting drug use pose a major public health problem both to injecting drug users and to the wider community. By looking at the arguments for and against the establishing of injecting rooms in any community, especially in Australia, issues are raised that must be considered in any effort to combat the problem of drugs in society. There is public agreement that injecting illicit drugs is a risky activity no matter where or how it is undertaken. Arguments for the availability of safe injecting rooms believe that even though these facilities may not eradicate drug taking, they can make the process less harmful to both the drug users and the public and thus can be a beneficial strategy in the war against drugs. However, the argument against considers injecting rooms as an unnecessary and potentially harmful entity by sending out a misleading message about societys tolerance of drugs, as well as continuing to expose addicts to the risk of overdose and other health problems. Even supporters of the availability of injecting rooms to injecting drug users (IDUs) are quick to point out that the provision of these facilities are only to make it safer, because this activity can never be safe. These venues are provided and supervised by health and welfare organisations for the use of injecting illicit drugs. The main aims of injecting rooms are to reduce the harm experienced by IDUs through reducing the risk of fatal overdose and the transmission of blood borne viruses, as well as reducing the public nuisance of drug users injecting in public places. These aims are to be fulfilled through services such as the provision of sterile injecting equipment and paraphernalia and the provision of means of safe disposal of injecting equipment. The benefits of these two examples are obvious the former aids in controlling the risk of the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, both of greater prevalence among IDUs than in the non-injecting population, and the latter protects not only IDUs but also the public for which needle-stick injuries is a health scare. Injecting rooms are attended to by trained personnel who can provide assistance in case of overdose. An 18 month Australian trial was recently opened in Kings Cross, and in the first week a young man collapsed after shooting up in the facility because he had not used heroin for a few weeks and had a low tolerance. The nurse unit manager who was able to resuscitate him with oxygen saw this as a prime example of the sort of person weve been looking for, a person at that kind of risk (Williams, 2001, p. 9). If the condition of the IDU is more serious than the staff can handle, they can now provide ambulance officers with a known location, leading to faster response time and greater chance of survival. It also benefits the occupational safety and health for ambulance officers. Staff at the injecting room look for opportunities to advise users on less harmful methods of drug use. IDUs account for 90% of Hepatitis C cases (Wodak, 1997) as this is contracted through blood-to-blood contact, which can happen through the sharing of infected needles. For a significant reduction in Hepatitis C cases, drug users should be encouraged to adopt non-injecting routes of administration. A counsellor working in the Australian trial sees the injecting room as a fantastic opportunity to teach drug users about the risks of blood borne viruses and assisting them into treatment (Williams, 2001) and believes that because IDUs meet these workers on territory that allows them to inject in a non-judgemental environment, they are then more likely to follow through on any treatment they agree to. Injecting facilities are established as part of a strategy of harm minimisation and as such work to reduce the harm associated with injecting drug use, not to reduce the levels of drug use. Those who protest against the founding of these facilities believe injecting rooms do not help IDUs. They question the motives of the proponents of harm minimisation, unsure of whom the scheme really benefits: the bureaucrats who are hoping the problem of drugs might then go away, or the community who are tired of drug users who are considered public nuisances, as it appears not to benefit the addicts where it is a case of out of sight, out of mind (NSWCC, 1998). Another fear that people have against the establishing of injecting rooms is that the drug trade will only benefit and increase in relation, as dealers and pushers will know where to go to target those who are looking for drugs so they can then go into an injecting facility to shoot up. This is seen as aiding in the commission of crimes and facilitating illicit drug trafficking (Riley and Humphries, 2000) and the NSW government has had to reassure the public that the trial being run in Kings Cross is not breaching any drug treaties signed by Australia (Riley et al, 2000). However, the fact remains that injecting drug use is illegal and for the trials to be run, the facility has to be protected from the law. At the same time, to be successful and keep the drug trade from booming in the areas around the facility, police would have to protect the very facility that is allowing illegal activity to continue! One area of dispute in the argument for and against injecting rooms is the information that has been published about trials in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. Those for the establishment of injecting rooms have used news such as Swiss injecting rooms not having one fatal overdose since they were established 10 years ago (Wodak, 1997) or that the rate of fatal overdoses in Frankfurt, Germany went down from 150 to 30 within four years of opening injecting rooms (ADF, 1998) as evidence that injecting rooms beneficial. Those against take care to point out that any fatal overdoses that happen to IDUs who inject their drugs in a injecting facility but do not collapse until outside the facility are not counted (Muehlenberg, 1999) and that although the rate of fatal overdoses has reduced, many users are continuing to inject drugs without any thought of quitting their habit. Also, the situation in Europe cannot be directly applied to Australia and so any evidence from the overseas trials should be approached carefully. For example, in Amsterdam certain drugs considered illicit here are legal there and are much more easily obtained and as such the injecting facilities are dealing with different conditions. Another worry involved in the founding of injecting facilities is the mixed messages it may be sending to the youth in society (Wodak, 1997) as it seems that the existence of such a facility says that society approves of drugs by making somewhere comfortable, secure and legal for them to inject drugs; yet at the same time the government continues to pay for advertisements that tell the youth of Australia to not be involved in drug use. It sends messages to existing addicts that society feels it has failed in trying to help them quit and has given up by allowing them to have places where they can freely indulge their habit (NSWCC, 1998). Those opposing injecting rooms sees the founding of these injecting places as comparable to building more pubs for alcoholics, and serves only to create life long addicts who risk dying every time they inject illicit drugs (Muehlenberg, 1999). Those against setting up injecting rooms believe the biggest flaw of the argument of those for injecting rooms is that they pose two alternatives only: would society want addicts injecting in dirty back alleys rather than in clean injecting rooms? (Muehlenberg, 1999) When faced with this decision, it is obvious that people would rather have injecting rooms for the health of IDUs and their own. However, those against injecting rooms believe that there is a third option not taking drugs at all. They believe that programs of education, treatment and rehabilitation for addicts and harsher law enforcement against dealers will be adequate in combating the problem of drugs in society. Realistically it is hard for all addicts to quit and go into rehabilitation without an intermediate step and there are those who believe that injecting rooms can fulfil this purpose. In conclusion, it can be seen that both arguments are based in fact and have the welfare and best interest of IDUs at heart. Those for the establishment of injecting rooms are correct in stating that these facilities can help make the process of injecting illicit drugs safer and cleaner and thus better for the health of IDUs, and are a starting point for counselling and treatment of IDUs who wish to quit their habit. Those against injecting rooms are also right in noting that injecting drugs is an illegal activity and one that continues to be dangerous to addicts even when supervised in sterile conditions due to the detrimental effect of drugs on the human body. However, if the issues raised by both sides can be considered objectively with a view to helping IDUs to first lower the deaths through overdose then to gradually stop them from continuing their damaging habits, then a comprehensive solution may be found that can incorporate injecting rooms as a response against drugs in the community.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Aphids, Family Aphididae
Aphids, Family Aphididae Plant-sucking aphids are the bane of a gardeners existence. Come spring, aphids appear as if by magic and begin draining the life out of tender plants. Their ability to reproduce, both sexually and asexually, is prolific. Description Aphid bodies are soft and pear-shaped. Though most often green or yellow, aphids come in a variety of colors, from red to black. Few aphids measure more than a couple of millimeters. An individual aphid would be difficult to spot, but since aphids feed in groups, their presence is usually noticeable. Up close, aphids resemble little muscle cars with a pair of tailpipes. Entomologists believe these abdominal appendages, called cornicles, secrete waxy lipids or alarm pheromones when the aphid senses a threat. The presence of cornicles is a common characteristic of all aphids. Antennae may have five or six segments, with the final segment ending in a thin flagellum. At their other end, aphids possess a cauda, a short, tail-like appendage centered between the cornicles. Aphids usually lack wings, though certain environmental conditions may cause winged forms to develop. Classification Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – HemipteraFamily - Aphididae Diet Aphids feed on plant phloem tissues, sucking the sugary liquids from the host plants vascular system. Reaching the phloem is no easy task. Aphids feed using a straw-like proboscis that contains thin, delicate stylets for piercing plant tissues. In order to protect the stylets from damage, the aphid secretes a special fluid from them, which hardens into a protective sheath. Only then can the aphid begin feeding. Aphids need nitrogen, but phloem juices contain mostly sugars. To get adequate nutrition, aphids must consume an enormous quantity of phloem liquids. They excrete the excess sugars in the form of honeydew, a sweet residue left behind on plant surfaces. Other insects, such as ants and wasps, follow behind the aphids, licking up the honeydew. Life Cycle The aphid life cycle is somewhat complex. Aphids usually reproduce asexually, with aphid mothers giving live birth to their young. Sexual reproduction occurs just once per year, if at all. Just before winter, sexual females mate with males and then lay eggs on a perennial plant. The eggs overwinter. In warm climates or in greenhouses, sexual reproduction rarely occurs. Special Adaptations and Defenses Aphids are tiny, slow-moving, and soft-bodied – in other words, easy targets. Theyre far from defenseless, however. Aphids use both fight and flight, and everything in between, to protect themselves. If a predator or parasitoid approaches an aphid, it can react in a number of ways. Aphids will literally kick their attackers, with some serious aggression. In other cases, the aphid may just walk away, hoping to elude the trouble. Sometimes, the aphid does a stop, drop, and roll, and simply falls to the ground. Some aphid species employ soldier aphids to stand guard. Aphids also arm themselves with defensive weaponry. When a pursuing predator attempts to take a bite from behind, they can excrete a waxy lipid from their cornicles to fill the attackers mouth. Alarm pheromones broadcast the threat to other aphids or may summon protection from bodyguards of other species. If a lady beetle attempts to feed on it, a cabbage aphid will mix toxic chemicals within its abdomen to bomb the offender. Aphids also use bodyguard ants, which they pay with sweet honeydew excretions. Range and Distribution Both abundant and diverse, aphids mainly inhabit temperate zones. Aphid species number over 4,000 worldwide, with about 1,350 species in North America alone.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The case report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The case report - Essay Example It is an intentional and goal oriented programme. Change can also be unplanned. This is when an organisation is forced by circumstances to change some or all of its processes, strategies, systems or any aspect of its operations in order to remain in operation or perform better. In this case change is reactive. Apart from whether change is planned or unplanned, there are also different perspectives on the nature of change process. The planned approach assumes that the change process is linear and carefully crafted with several identifiable steps, which follow, in a sequential order. Another perspective, however believes that this linear, orderly fashion does not suit the complex and rapidly changing environment in which businesses operate. There is the issue of the locus of emphasis in initiating and implementing change programmes. Three schools of though have also emerged in this regard. There is the Individual Perspective School which believes that the locus of change should be the individual. The Group Dynamics School believes that organisational change should best be achieved through groups and that behaviour of individuals should be changed by influencing group norms, roles, and values. Then the Open System School sees organisations as consisting of several systems and also being parts of the larger system. Thus the internal subsystems interact among themselves while the organisation as a whole interact with the external environment. Changes in any parts of the system affect the other subsystems and also the general performance. TERMS OF REFERENCE: Report how to manage change for a case company Type of assessment - Individual Draft a job description advertising for a change agent suitable for this case organisation. From the points raised by the General Manager, Steve Humphries, it would be good to look at the following areas, which will form a yardstick on which basis decision as to whether or not change is necessary can be taken, what type of change, when and how. Let us look at the strengths of Polyflow Plastics & Packaging Limited: [1] Good contract from established customers [2] Sub-contracts from fellow competitors in the industry [3] Contacts all over London and South East [4] Customer satisfaction due to personal attention by the MD [5] Experienced workers [6] Big market in the packaging products line From the above, it can be noticed that presently there are good contracts both from organisations [established customers] as well as from competitors. From all indications, this has boosted the earnings of the organization and makes
Mendietas Gender Examinations and Her Place as a Woman and as an Case Study
Mendietas Gender Examinations and Her Place as a Woman and as an Artist - Case Study Example Ana Mendieta, a Cuban American artist most famous for her performance art and earth-body sculptures, documents through photography her more memorable art such as the series of performances from 1972, the â€Å"Facial Hair Transplants.†In these performances, a male student, Morty Sklar, shaves his beard and moustache while Mendieta applies the pieces of hair to her face. Through these satirical transferals of hair to her own face, she in effect assumes the symbols of male power. In one of the portraits, â€Å"bearded,†she reveals herself as an earnest Amish farmer. In another photograph, she is outfitted with a curled moustache complete with gold hoop earrings, so she appears as a mischievous, devilish pirate. What these photographs show are Mendieta’s gender examinations as she strives to find her place as a woman and as an artist. As contemporary photographers continue their ongoing dialogue of the difference between photographs as documents and photographs as pictures, I believe that Mendieta’s photographs can be defined as a document and as a picture both. A document is defined as a bounded physical representation of the body of information designed with the capacity and usually the intent to communicate. A document may manifest symbolic, diagrammatic or sensory-representational information. Given that the original presentation of Mendieta’s piece was a performance and then captured via photograph, her â€Å"faces†can be considered as the physical representation of the information Mendieta’s is trying to capture, that she is able to assume the symbols of male power as she tries to understand her place in the art world.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Wellness,Fitness & longevity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wellness,Fitness & longevity - Assignment Example This, coupled with the fact that exercise helps one in maintaining proper body weight and thus avoid the diseases associated with obesity, makes it very easy to understand the importance of a physically active lifestyle. However, exercise is often confused with the term physical activity. One needs to understand that a difference in intensity is what distinguishes the two terms. While exercises are usually vigorous, physical exercises are rather moderate or less intense. An easy way to explain this would be to state the idea that moderate physical activities are the ones during which one can talk without losing their breath. For example, brisk walk and performing waltz are considered as moderate physical activities while in contrast, jogging and aerobics are typical kinds of vigorous exercise (Powers et al, 2003). The guidelines of the amount of physical activity needed by individuals differ with the age group. While children are advised a minimum of an hour long physical activities on a daily basis, young adults are expected to at least perform upto 150 minutes of moderate activities per week (Brown et al, 2010). The guidelines for older adults may go the same way as for the younger ones but their choice of the possible activities is limited due to the aging factor. The 150 minutes per week guideline, but with the activities spread throughout the week, is also advised for women during their pregnancy and postpartum period (Brown et al, 2010). These discussed guidelines were developed after an extensive analysis of scientific research was conducted by the concerned authorities. The purpose of developing them was to help people adopt a healthier lifestyle. Along with the guidelines, another set of comprehensive strategies and practices called the National Physical Activity Plan has also been developed (Brown, Heath & Martin, 2010). It has also helped set objectives related to health for a period of ten years; the most recent one was launched
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12
Marketing - Essay Example Here all the unattractive ideas and unfeasible ideas are weeded out leaving only the ideas where future action is possible. Concept Development and Testing: Here in this stage the idea is presented to the customers and their views and opinions of the ideas are documented. This eliminates the risk of any losses if the ideas are not accepted by the customers (Kahn). Business Analysis: This stage involves the business and financial analysis of the ideas and here the financial risks and the other business related analysis are completed. Prototype Development: Here the idea is developed and the product is developed in the physical form and the basic marketing strategy is developed. Test Marketing: At this stage the company puts the product up for sale in a few areas to check for the performance under the marketing plan (Jobber). This provides an insight to the company for the effectiveness of the marketing strategy and the demand of the product. Commercialization: The last stage of the ne w product development stage is the commercialization, where the complete marketing plan is developed and the full production is set into action
Thursday, October 17, 2019
DOM and its impact on web development techniques Essay
DOM and its impact on web development techniques - Essay Example DOM level 2 was introduced in 2000. The level has event model and supports XML namespaces and CSS. DOM level 3 is the current DOM specifications release published in 2004. It has added additional features for XPath, Keyboard event handling, and serialization interface for documents like XML. DOM level 4 is currently in the process of being developed. As at 2005, majority of the W3C DOM were effectively supported through common browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera (Koch, 2001). To produce documents like HTML page, majority of the web browsers internal DOM model. The nodes of documents are arranged in DOM tree structure, with the document object being the topmost node. When HTML page is opened in browsers; the HTML is downloaded into the local memory, and automatically displays the page on the screen (Guisset, 2009). DOM supports all navigation directions and allows arbitrary modifications; hence implementation buffers documents that are
The Thrill of Hiking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
The Thrill of Hiking - Essay Example The moment I planned to engage in a summer trip to Mount Whitney, my mind concocts images of trekking an adventurous path. I envision a group of excited friends with compactly prepared knapsacks on their backs frantic to the summit. Talks about reaching the apex amidst the blue horizon increase. The anticipation on the eve of the journey sends shivers to one’s senses precluding the natural invitation for slumber. At dusk, the excitement begins to unfold with the warm embrace of the rising sun as the backdrop. Hikers begin an aspired trek to the glorious destination. The smell of crisp brown fallen leaves cracks from each step, each pace at the trodden trail. The dewdrops from flora tingle the back of hikers’ hands and arms as each passes by bushes, shrubs and woody plants. No one can ignore the jubilant chirping of a California quail that seems to accompany the stompers to their ascent. After several challenging hours and hundreds of miles of walk, dribbling perspirations continue to mire vision like drizzles on windshields. A quick rehydrating drink from filtered cold water quenched our thirsts. A dissipated rest under a perfectly shaded pine provided the opportunity to restore energy and leg work. A gush of trickles from a nearby stream signals the change in humidity – the journey embarks on its climax. The warmness of the humid air eventually evolves into sporadic ice and snow at the summit. Nothing can compare to standing in a remarkably magnificent place that seemed to be on top of the world to enjoy and share the expanse, not only of mountain ranges, intermittent with deep ravine and valleys unreached by man but of the entire sight of the universe. Despite aching feet and legs, with exhausted physique, hikers like me, descent the slopes with minds planning the next adventurous journey.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
DOM and its impact on web development techniques Essay
DOM and its impact on web development techniques - Essay Example DOM level 2 was introduced in 2000. The level has event model and supports XML namespaces and CSS. DOM level 3 is the current DOM specifications release published in 2004. It has added additional features for XPath, Keyboard event handling, and serialization interface for documents like XML. DOM level 4 is currently in the process of being developed. As at 2005, majority of the W3C DOM were effectively supported through common browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera (Koch, 2001). To produce documents like HTML page, majority of the web browsers internal DOM model. The nodes of documents are arranged in DOM tree structure, with the document object being the topmost node. When HTML page is opened in browsers; the HTML is downloaded into the local memory, and automatically displays the page on the screen (Guisset, 2009). DOM supports all navigation directions and allows arbitrary modifications; hence implementation buffers documents that are
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Medication Errors, Safety, Prevention And Reporting Research Paper
Medication Errors, Safety, Prevention And Reporting - Research Paper Example Secondly, it is indicated that majority of hospitals suffer from shortage of medical practitioners. This puts a lot of pressure on the few who are employed to work in a given institution. There has been found a positive correlation between understaffing and medical errors. This therefore means medical errors can also be made by qualified and competent medical practitioners. Due to increased pressure in the working environment, doctors face mental and physical fatigue. This may interfere with their judgment when making prescriptions. Others face psychological and emotional instabilities due to this type of condition. Such health providers are not motivated to work. Mathematical proficiency is said to be play a big role when making medical prescriptions. Certain calculations need to be done by those given this responsibility. A study carried on 749 students in the United States indicated that most of them did not have these skills. Over 38% of them could not pass the elements of mathem atical proficiency (McCann 2011). This therefore demonstrates that some institutions of higher learning are to blame for admission of students who are not competent enough. Lack of these basic skills in mathematical proficiency culminates in gross errors while making prescriptions. Lack of exposure and quality education in most institutions has also been linked to medical errors. Medical students need to be guided by experienced medical practitioners before they can be allowed to carry out serious procedures. However, due to shortage of such supervisors, the students do not have time to learn and put theory to practice. Several institutions have also been blamed for providing substandard medical education. As a result,... As indicated above, most of the medical errors are committed due to the reduction in the number of doctors. It is imperative that the staff is increased to reduce pressure on those who are already employed. Shortage of doctors is a major problem not only in the developing nations but also in the developed ones such as the United States. The main aim of this will be to ensure that the workload of such medical practitioners reduces. This will make them more competent and motivated to work. In addition to that, it is imperative to offer more incentives to nurses. These are the lowly paid members in many countries despite the fact that they offer important services. Salaries for such people should be increased for the purpose of motivating them. Secondly, the government through the ministry of higher learning should embark on vetting institutions that offer medical causes. With most of those institutions offering poor education and experience for students, the government needs to step in and close such institutions. This is especially if such institutions are short on equipment necessary to facilitate medical education. Secondly, such medical students need to receive the best experiences during their internships. This is for the purpose of exposing them to the best medical practices that will make them more competent. Finally, medical students and newly employed medical practitioners should be taught on the importance of following the stipulated procedures and policies when carrying out their services.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Promotional and Advertising Strategies Essay Example for Free
Promotional and Advertising Strategies Essay Promotion and marketing are among the most essential market mix features or elements. Market mix involves different strategies commonly known as the 4P’s: product, price, place and promotion. The key motive of promotion is to increase clients’ awareness of a brand or a project increase brand loyalty and generating sales. Promotional mix is composed of diverse elements such as personal selling, sales promotion, advertising, publicity and direct marketing. Both large and small customers understand the importance of promotional advertising strategies such as turning a new product to become a household name or established products into to top priority of the customer. Small and large companies benefit through applying different strategies of promotion and attracting more customers. A television set has become a necessity in the modern life with all the families searching for the best brand that is easier to operate and has more applications. Different organizations have ventured into the manufacturing and assembling of television set to enjoy the advantages (Scissors Roger 2002). The paper will focus on advertising and promotional strategies applied by different companies that concentrate with manufacturing and assembling television sets. Samsung and Sony have emerged as the two most successful organizations in the manufacturing and distribution of television sets. The two companies apply different promotional and advertising strategies to maintain themselves on the top of the business. Comparison of Promotional Strategies used by both Sony and Samsung to Market Television Sets. Product Sampling It is one among the most effective promotional strategies utilized by large firms to market their products and launch new products with the motive of promoting multiple product purchases. Both Sony and Samsung are large companies that understand the power of promotional strategies in turning a new product to a priority in clients shopping list. The two companies deals with many types of electronics. Therefore, anytime they launch a new product; they offer a product that is of a lower price fee attached to the new product. While marketing large televisions, they offer free samples of another product of the same company such as a radio attached to the pack of the television. It results to an increase in sales since customers feels that on just buying a television set, one will win a portable radio for free. Samsung and Sony have applied the strategy and made their product top in the sales list. Free Service and Trial Periods There are numerous companies that do business with manufacturing and distribution of television sets. However, most of the companies produce products of low quality hence leading to wastage in a short time. Samsung and Sony are two main companies that have faith in their products. Therefore, in areas where residents have the fear of counterfeit and sub-standard products, they win their trust trough offering free repair services in a given period. The period is referred to as a trial period used for the clients to test and confirm that products are of good quality. Both Samsung and Sony take it as a necessity to provide a warrant for their television sets (Mulhern, 2009). The warranty is given in terms of years from the time of buying depending on the value of a television set. Within the period covered by the warranty, the manufacturer offers a free service to repair minor damages and a new product in cases of major damage. Contrast of Promotional Strategies used by both Sony and Sam sung to Market Television Sets Despite being successful organizations, Sony uses public relations to promote its television sets. Here, the company depends on the press for its advantage. In most cases, Sony launches all its new products in televisions, radio stations, public relation events and press releases. On the other hand, Samsung applies personal selling. In personal selling, Samsung targets individual communication with members of the general public who seems to be potential buyers. In the strategy, Samsung makes use of salesmen, showrooms, dealers and exhibitions. However, the two strategies have the same aim of attracting more potential clients. Another contrast between Samsung and Sony in marketing television sets is the use of social media. The two uses the social media as a strategy of advertising. However, Samsung only specializes on the social media while launching a new product. Contrary, Sony advertises all types of television sets manufactured by the company through the social media with the motive of increasing the general sales of television sets. Ways in which a company can use marketing information to differentiate itself in the marketplace and gain advantage offer its competitors. There are different ways in which companies that deals with manufacturing and distribution of television sets can use marketing information and remain outstanding among other companies dealing with the same product. One of the ways is targeting. It is the method via which the organization can communicate with the right segment and ensure that they rate in response for their advantage (Flew, 2008). A company must conduct market research and use the information to plan the best group of people to target relating the information with the marketing strategies objectives. The objectives of marketing promotion strategies and advertising are outstanding. Therefore, if a company can identify the best target group, it will be able to select the best and suitable method of communication and achieve the set target. The second way in which a company dealing with manufacturing and distribution of television sets can use marketing information to differentiate itself in the marketplace is positioning. It refers to the art of developing a unique image of a product or company. It can be achieved through messaging branding and cooperate identity. In an advertisement, if a company dealing with television sets can convince members of the general public that its products are cheap to purchase and maintain and yet maintain a high quality, it will prosper. The image will enable the company to move to high levels since most of the people who are in need of television sets require a good that is of better quality, but affordable. Uses of customer oriented promotion that can assist a company in both short-term and long-term Customer oriented sales promotion refers to the techniques of sales promotion that are the target to ultimate customers such as samples, coupons, contests, sweepstakes, premium offers and rebates. All the modes of sales promotion that are customer oriented, samples stand among the best and unique forms of promotions that can assist a company in both short-term and long-term. In short-term, the company will be able to sell many television sets since most of the customers will be targeting to gain the free samples attached to the television sets. It will result to an increment in sales hence an increment in revenue. In long-term, the company will benefit since the client who attains the free sample will have a chance to try the free sample attached to the television set and hence become a potential customer of the product in the future. Free samples are given from products produced by the same company (Kotler Kevin, 2009) Therefore; sampling enables the company o market two products at the same time. The other customer oriented promotion strategy that can assist a company in both short-term and long-term is discounts. Discounts are given to clients who purchase products in bulk and sometimes even to single items. In short-term, discounts attract many customers to buy the products hence increasing the volume of sales. An increment in volume of sales increases company’s revenue. In long-term, a company benefits from discounts since many people can buy television sets during the period that discounts are offered. It results to many people acquiring a good time to try the product since the price is low. In the future, customers can identify the product as a reliable one and hence take it as an option while purchasing a similar product in the future. Those who buy a product during the discount period because of the price can enjoy the advantage a factor that make them choose the product in the future to continue enjoying the advantage. Pricing Decision The price of the product is among the key elements of the marketing mix that determine the sales of a product. There are many organizations that deal with manufacturing and distribution of television sets. However, they offer different prices of their products depending with the pricing objectives that the company chooses. There are four main objectives of pricing in sales promotion. They are the modes of communication made by organizations to their clients related to price of their products. The four pricing objectives include; coupons, competitions, discounts and loyalty incentives. Sony is a leading company in manufacturing and distributing television sets. The company uses different strategies to regulate the price of different television sets. Among the key pricing strategies is competition. The company makes sure that it offers the best prices for different television sets to make the televisions affordable to different social classes of people. It offers unique prices to fit all social classes. Sony also offers discounts to clients who buy products in large volumes and those who visit them for the first time. It has helped the company attract many clients for its products and remain outstanding in the field. Other companies that deal with manufacture and distribution of television sets may take coupons to enable them discern themselves and benefit a competitive gain. Coupons are vouchers or tickets that a company offers to its clients to enable the customers enjoy given advantages (Flew, 2008). Provision of coupons attracts many people with the motive of enjoying the coupons. It results to many people purchasing the product hence having a chance to learn about the product, and the company enjoys large volume of sales. Other companies dealing with manufacturing and distribution of television sets can also offer discounts to their clients to enable them enjoy low prices and enjoy their advantage. Most Effective Advertising Medium There are numerous mediums of marketing such as billboards, radio, televisions, newspapers, magazines, yellow pages and the internet. In the past, television was the most effective advertising medium. However, time has changed. Today, the information and technology devices have changed the world into an economic village. Many people visit websites either for fun, studies or assistance. Therefore, the internet linked services are the most effective medium of advertising (Kerin, 2012). It is because the group of people who can be a good target for the companies dealing with manufacturing and distribution of television is the young people. A large number of youths spends a great deal of their time on social media sites such as Facebook, blogs, twitter, and other similar websites. Therefore, if a company can launch an advertisement through the internet, it will be able to reach many people at a global level. In conclusion, since promotion and advertising are important elements in the marketing mix, all companies should aim to establish the most effective promotion and advertising strategies. To develop a promotional and advertising strategy, the company should take different steps to ensure that the best role of marketing is achieved. The steps involve segmentation, targeting, positioning and messaging. All mediums of advertisement are reliable depending on the setting and the target group of people. Sales promotion is vital. Thus, all organizations should focus on the best ways of engaging in sales promotion without fail. References Flew, Terry, (2008) New media: An introduction. Melbourne- Oxford University Press pp. 117. Kotler, Philip, Kevin Lane Keller (2009) Framework for marketing management. Pearson Prentice Hall. Kerin, R., (2012). Marketing-The Core. McGraw-Hill Ryerson pp. 31. Mulhern, F., (2009) Integrated marketing communications From media channels to digital connectivity. Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol.15, No. 2-3, pp. 85. Scissors, J., Roger B., (2002) Advertising media planning. McGraw-Hill Publisher.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
How Shakespeare Portrayed Lady Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare
From the very beginning, Lady Macbeth is depicted as an ambitious and powerful woman, who is central to the plot of William Shakespeare's Macbeth. So far, in the play, Lady Macbeth has been shown to be a very powerful and ambitious character. After reading Macbeth's letter, she says, "Thou wouldst be great, / Art not without ambition, but without / The illness that should attend it"(I.v 17-19), here, she is saying that he needs more evil or "illness" in him to become King, and therefore implies that she will "poison" him and give him the illness he needs to increase his ambition. Here she is also undermining her husband's authority (which is very unusual for a woman in the Elizabethan era) by saying he is unable to become a King, and is undermining his masculinity as she is thinking about things that a man would usually take charge of. To try to persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan when the audience first see them meet on stage, she is very bold, "Your hand, you tongue, look like th'innocent flower, / But be the serpent under't" (I.v 65-66), she shows her strong female identity, whose ambitions speak for her obsession with power. When Macbeth tries to ?back out? of murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth uses many techniques to persuade him to carry out the deed. Firstly, she repeats the metaphor of clothes he uses, ?Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, / Not cast aside so soon? (I.vii 34-35) but changes the meaning, ?Was the hope drunk / wherein you dressed yourself?? (I.vii 35-36) showing she can be manipulating and that she has a thorough understanding of words, which is unusual for an Elizabethan woman. She also tries to manipulate him by saying, ?From this time / Such I account thy love? (I.vii 38-39) which could be perceiv... ...n, she becomes something completely different ? a supernatural being such as a witch or evil spirit. Although Lady Macbeth never repeats the words of the witches, her ambitions and their prophecies are very similar, ?All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter? (I.iii 50), however, if the witches had not revealed this prophecy then Lady Macbeth?s ambition would not have been ?fed? and it is probable that neither of them would have murdered Duncan. This shows how easily she is influenced by the supernatural. I believe that Shakespeare depicted Lady Macbeth as a very ambitious character who has a lot of power over her husband. However, it is only after she calls upon the supernatural that she becomes utterly ruthless and cruel. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 2009. How Shakespeare Portrayed Lady Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare From the very beginning, Lady Macbeth is depicted as an ambitious and powerful woman, who is central to the plot of William Shakespeare's Macbeth. So far, in the play, Lady Macbeth has been shown to be a very powerful and ambitious character. After reading Macbeth's letter, she says, "Thou wouldst be great, / Art not without ambition, but without / The illness that should attend it"(I.v 17-19), here, she is saying that he needs more evil or "illness" in him to become King, and therefore implies that she will "poison" him and give him the illness he needs to increase his ambition. Here she is also undermining her husband's authority (which is very unusual for a woman in the Elizabethan era) by saying he is unable to become a King, and is undermining his masculinity as she is thinking about things that a man would usually take charge of. To try to persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan when the audience first see them meet on stage, she is very bold, "Your hand, you tongue, look like th'innocent flower, / But be the serpent under't" (I.v 65-66), she shows her strong female identity, whose ambitions speak for her obsession with power. When Macbeth tries to ?back out? of murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth uses many techniques to persuade him to carry out the deed. Firstly, she repeats the metaphor of clothes he uses, ?Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, / Not cast aside so soon? (I.vii 34-35) but changes the meaning, ?Was the hope drunk / wherein you dressed yourself?? (I.vii 35-36) showing she can be manipulating and that she has a thorough understanding of words, which is unusual for an Elizabethan woman. She also tries to manipulate him by saying, ?From this time / Such I account thy love? (I.vii 38-39) which could be perceiv... ...n, she becomes something completely different ? a supernatural being such as a witch or evil spirit. Although Lady Macbeth never repeats the words of the witches, her ambitions and their prophecies are very similar, ?All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter? (I.iii 50), however, if the witches had not revealed this prophecy then Lady Macbeth?s ambition would not have been ?fed? and it is probable that neither of them would have murdered Duncan. This shows how easily she is influenced by the supernatural. I believe that Shakespeare depicted Lady Macbeth as a very ambitious character who has a lot of power over her husband. However, it is only after she calls upon the supernatural that she becomes utterly ruthless and cruel. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 2009.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Success of Hamlet :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays
The Success of Hamlet      Is this Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet as successful a play as some critics say? Wherein lies the success? Is the protagonist the prime reason for the continuing success?  J. Dover Wilson in â€Å"What Happens in Hamlet†attributes much of the success of the drama to the characterization of the prince:  Finally, this compound of overwhelmingly convincing humanity and psychological contradiction is the greatest of Shakespeare’s legacies to the men of his own quality. No ‘part’ in the whole repertory of dramatic literature is so certain of success with almost any audience, and is yet open to such a remarkable variety of interpretation. There are as many Hamlets as there are actors who play him; and Bernhardt has proved that even a woman can score a success. (101)  Could the enduring reputation of Hamlet  be attributed to the â€Å"ultimate form†in which the Bard of Avon expressed his ideas? Robert B. Heilman says so in â€Å"The Role We Give Shakespeare†:  It is the way of venerable texts whose authenticity has impressed itself on the human imagination: he has said many things in what seems an ultimate form, and he is a fountainhead of quotation and universal center of allusion. â€Å"A rose by any other name†comes to the mouth as readily as â€Å"Pride goeth before a fall,†and seems no less wise. [. . .] The Ophelia-Laertes relationship is strongly felt near the end of Goethe’s Faust, Part I, and the Hamlet-Gertrude-Claudius triangle echoes throughout Chekhov’s Sea Gull (24-25).  This play is ranked by many as the very greatest ever written. Cumberland Clark in â€Å"The Supernatural in Hamlet†gives the consensus regarding Hamlet that exists among literary critics of today:  At least six or seven years pass after the writing of Midsummer Night’s Dream before we find Shakespeare engaged on Hamlet, the second of the great plays with an important Supernatural element, and, in the opinion of many, the greatest tragedy ever penned. (99)  There is no more exalted ranking than the above. Richard A. Lanham in the essay â€Å"Superposed Plays†maintains that no other English tragedy has generated the literary comment which this play has produced: â€Å"Hamlet is one of the great tragedies. It has generated more comment than any other written document in English literature, one would guess, reverent, serious comment on it as a serious play†(91).
Friday, October 11, 2019
How Upholding Ethical Values Helps an Organisation
HOW UPHOLDING ETHICAL VALUES HELPS AN ORGANIZATION THAT USES INFORMATION SYSTEMS? INTRODUCTION In order to understand the role of ethical values and the related ethical codes of conduct with regard to information systems in organization performance, there is need to put the, whole affair in a broad context as to the rise of ethical issues and dilemmas in the management of systems for organizational performance and development.Information systems has been defined as â€Å"a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, retrieve and distribute data or/information in an organization referred to above facilitates decision making and control in an organization†The data or information referred to above facilitates decision making and control in an organisation and hence being crucial to organizational management and performance.It can therefore be said that the system of managing the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and distribution of data and information is what is termed as Management Information Systems. Infact Management Information Systems is about the relationship between management and the operations of an organization. When you think about this assertion, three things stand out; How IT or information systems improves the management of an organization How IT or information systems helps in the improvement of organizational performance How IT contributes to organizational developmentThe fact of the matter is that the rapid growth of Information Technology and hence the use of information system has contributed significantly to organizational management, improvement in organizational performance and organizational development in general. The rapid advancement in IT has led to creation of INTERNET and the rise of the DIGITAL FIRM. While significant achievements in social progress have been recorded, at the same time, it has led to social costs for other users, and the rise of computer crimes.Infect the rapid advancement of IT and the attendant use of information systems has created ethical issues and this is due to the following; I. T changes the distribution of decision making rights, power and other resources. For example IT makes it possible for millions of people to download video files weakening the exclusive rights of movie studios to control distribution for their own profit. IT creates new opportunities to commit crimes. For example e-mail creates conditions for extensive â€Å"Phishing†or online con games designed to defraud ordinary citizens.In this era if IT and the expansion of computer usage, ethical values for good management information system can be looked at in relation to the following ethical moral dimensions. Information rights and obligation – this is about ourselves as human beings and organizations Property rights and obligation – this is the protection of intellectual property rights Accountability and control – this pertains to who will be held accountab le in case harm is done. Systems quality – standards of data and systems quality.Quality of life – this is in connection with in the preservation of values and culture WHAT IS ETHICS Ethics refers to the principle of right and wrong which people use to make choices to guide their behavior and actions in the operations for organizational performance It is necessary here to reflect on some key technological trends which have led to ethical issues in information systems; Computing power doubles every 18 months. Almost everything is computerized. The over dependence on computers us giving rise to errors.As computer usage increases its use if being abused Rapidly declining data storage costs. Modern computer techniques have led to the creation of multiple databases. Software’s have become cheap and this led to some people to store phonographic material. Data making advances – the use of high speed search engines has led to things like harking. It has led to va luated access to information and hence interfering with people’s privacy and the confidentiality of organizational information and data is at stake. Advances in networking including the INTERNET – This has led to increased computer crime.Thus, as we witness increased technological advancement and the increased use of information systems, concern must be put on the attendant rise of computer crime and other ethical issues, ethical concerns and dilemmas in this era of globalization. Therefore organizations using information systems must concern themselves with the need to put in place ethical codes of conduct and enforce them with emphasis on inculcating into the minds of their employees the use of ethical values in their day to day work for the proposer management of their organizations and managementHOW THE USE OF ETHICAL VALUES CAN HELP AN ORGANISATION WHICH IS USING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Upholding ethical values in an organization using information systems is of benefi t to both within and outside stakeholders. That is To outside stakeholders, the organization gives assurance to its clients of security and confidentiality of their data. Hence the integrity of the organization is reaffirmed. Ethical values are used to assure people of fair and free judgment thus transparency in operation. Ethical values emphasize law and order which affect the behavior of employees in a desired direction.For example workers of an ethical upright organization would not spend working time moonlighting since they are aware of illegality involved in using organization resources for private work. Ethics controls dilemmas. For example it is not certain if software fits in intellectual property law since it is a code created by mathematical texts (Severson 1997 p. 33). Hence in such incidences the law would work best with morality. Ethics is used for consistent decision making at all levels of management in the organization because everyone would be aware of what is accep ted or not.For example someone from an ethically upright organization was asked to steal funds using the electronic fund transfer would immediately say no because he or she would know is wrong without putting too much thought on the benefits of stealing. Through upholding ethical values, trust among employees is established since they are assured of confidentiality. This in turn brings a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization. By ensuring ethical values, the security is made certain since the organization ensures that the hacking is illegal and punishable especially in incidences of uncertainty.Fair presentation ensures honesty and fairness in the market to avoid law suits despite the pressure to succeed. This encourages whistle blowing in order to avoid negative publicity that may tarnish the image of the organization in the public eye. For†example it is unethical for an organization to bribe a worker from a competitor company to be their informer on the compe titor’s plans. Ethical values act as a driving force to achieving organization goals and objectives thus increasing productivity.That is ethics provides basic guidelines on which behavior is more likely to achieve the best results in the wrong run instead of mixing wrong and right. An organization upholding ethical values controls misuse of organization resources. For example if the organization considers download if internet material like movies, music for personal gain as un ethical, then its workers may not do that and this would minimize wastage of internet data. Upholding ethical values would create a conducive working environment which would create team work and sense of belonging for the workers.This reduces chances of corruption and malice as everyone would look out for each other from bottom to top and top to bottom. This also reduces supervision of workers thus providing opportunities for innovation. For example in an ethically upright organization, the manager may enjoy leave away from work without worrying about decline of profits in his absence. REFERENCES C. A Raiborn&D. PayneCorporate codes of conduct: A collective conscience and continuum. Journal of Business ethics. 9:879-889, 1990.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Miles Davis Research Paper
The King of Jazz â€Å"I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Everyday I find something creative to do with my life†(Davis 4). Miles Davis is the individual that made jazz the way it is today. Miles Davis still is a leading and influential figure in jazz ( Davis 1). When most people hear the word trumpet, they automatically picture Miles. His weird personality and his bizarre characteristics, make him a legend in the music scene. Davis explored many different sides of jazz, and went out of his way to be different.Growing up in St. Louis, he picked up the trumpet at a very young age. Shortly after picking up the trumpet, he enrolled at Julliard School of Music. After two years at Julliard, he left and started his career. His success escalated quickly (Davis 1). Miles Davis should be considered one of the most influential jazz musicians because of his weird traits, his ability to bring up young musicians, and his creation of ma ny styles in Jazz. Many people that Miles associated with speak of his interesting personality. He forced himself to hang with different crowds of people. Miles always seemed full of energy, and excitement when I talked to him. His words always had meaning, deep meaning†(Hentoff, Nat). These weird traits are what make Miles, Miles Davis. â€Å"I was a weird son of a bitch. Always saying the strangest things to Diz. He would always just look at me with this dumb stare. The cat eventually learned to not ask me questions no more†(Miles, 2). Miles Mckinney 2 talks about his interesting personality in his own autobiography. Davis was an interesting man, with many strengths and weaknesses, which eventually wrecked his life.His drug life was terrible; it was making him act weird, and develop traits that he wouldn’t have normally taken on. â€Å"The different drugs I was taking was messing me up. Even my idols looked down on me. They was disappointed at me, and the de cisions I was making,†says miles in his autobiography (Miles 2). Miles was well known for many things he said and did. His personality will live on, as well as his music. Different musicians were always going in and out of Davis’s band. He would always have the youngest, hotshot player in the area he was living in.All of the people that Miles was playing with brought something new to their sound. If he didn’t like the way they played, or if they didn’t bring anything new and complex to the table, Miles would have them out of there in an instant (Miles, 5). Kenny Garrett was only 18 when he started playing with Miles. I met Dr. Garrett in February of 2012, and got the chance to ask him many questions about his experience with Miles Davis. When I asked about his experience with Miles, he replied with an answer that was powerful. â€Å"Playing with Miles was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life.Every note meant something to him. When we were p laying, there was energy unlike no other. If he didn’t like the way you were playing something, he would let you know exactly how to fix it. I learned more than I ever have before, playing with him†, replied Dr. Garrett when I spoke with him. He had the ability to make a musician grow, and develop unlike anyone. Although he gave them freedom, he allowed them to develop into fine musicians. He was an inspiration to them, and watched as they succeeded (Hentoff, Nat). Mckinney 3 Miles was at the forefront of many different eras of Jazz.Because all of the people in and out of his band, he always had a new sound. The different sounds that his band produced, called for new eras in jazz (PBS, 5). The most important style of jazz that Miles lead was â€Å"Cool Jazz†. His quartet, with the help of Charlie Parker, got heavy into bebop music. This style was widely copied around the United States, and became huge. Later in his life, Davis was big into the electric side of mu sic. He recruited electric piano player Chick Corea, and his band sounded unlike anything other. He started bringing in guitar players, and really used technology as a catalyst in his music (Miles, 5).In his career, Miles went through so many stages and styles. You can listen to his music, and tell what year the album was recorded. These vast eras that he was a part of makes him an extremely influential musician. Although Miles struggled with different obstacles in his life, he should still be considered one of the most influential people of all time. Many of the things he did in the old days, still live on in the music scene today. Not only did he have a unique personality but also was a fine teacher, and formed new styles of jazz in his playing.His songs still blast in many peoples’ homes, and his licks are still played by many musicians today. His most famous album, Kind of Blue, recorded and released in 1959, still sells five-hundred thousand copies a year. Davis died on September 28th 1991, in Santa Monica, California (PBS, 5). He died doing what he loved, and did best. His name, and his music will continue to touch people every day. Miles Davis will live on, in a legendary manor. He is by far one of the most influential people to have walked on this earth.
My College Experience in University of La Salette Essay
A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from a private university, La Sallete revels in my undergraduate days and shares the ups and downs of transitioning from secondary school to college. Along the way in second semester I found a little bit more worried. The college experience is one that holds many pleasant memories for me. I began the journey as a scared rat out in the open desert that have many prediators, but made the best of it and I think forward to become a willful man. It all started after I completed secondary school knowing that the next sure step was College, which made me worried and every thought of it. It started from â€Å"What should I study?†to â€Å"Where should I go?†and ended with the fear, â€Å"Will I survive on my own?†The saddest thing about embarrass on this journey towards my tertiary education is that many childhood high school friends have to be left behind and many times than not, the comfort of your own home as well. With all this in mind, I began for my search and discovered that Business Administration Major in Marketing was best suited for me in terms of course outline and career pathway. I enrolled in a college in U.L.S which meant that I had to stay out, as it was ridiculous to think of travelling to and Santiago from Roxas every week. I signed up for my courses for the First semester I enrolled in University of La Salette – Roxas Campus. The experience is good but I have a feeling that I don’t deserve to study again in our home town so in second semester I decided to transfer in the main campus of U.L.S which in Santiago City. Picked out a room or a boarding in Santiago nearby in the school campus is hard because there is a lot of room to offer but minimal the quality I want. But in my 2 semester of college and first time in Santiago I choose a boarding near in our school. In my first day of staying in our boarding I met my entire roommate which is kaka, graysom and jp and the n we waited for the first day to begin. I distinctly remember stepping into my first class. The lecturer was rather amusing and he gave us time to settle in that day. It wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be. In fact I suddenly found myself gaining more confidence and determination from that week on. I began reshaping my work style and schedule to fit into the mold of college life! The first thing that hit me was the workload. It was definitely much heavier and intense than what I was used to in high school. The major challenges to get past were the large volumes of reading, the short deadlines and the intensive writing, writing and more writing. On some of these long, seemingly endless nights of mugging the books and writing, it is only natural for one to long for the good old days when friends were around to mull over a problem together and my step mother was there to take care of my dietary needs and quick fixes of rice and egg. But hang in there. Trust that this will pass when morning comes. Whatever you do, don’t make major decisions about your courses, your major or even what you’re going to do the next day during one of these down periods. However, even with these initial challenges, college was the phase in my life where I started finding myself. I grew to learn what I really like and dislike, what work style was best suited for me and most importantly what I was naturally good at. In other words, being forced to be independent was push in action that I needed at that time. Once I grew comfortable with myself, I began to enjoy the difficulty to detect opportunity given; to meet new friends. I ran for student council when I was in Roxas Campus and elected as business manager of the board but it was cancelled when I was transfer here in Main Campus and I also joined in Filipino Club. Getting involved in Filipino Club and handling â€Å"Buwan ng Wika†was challenging. I wanted to excel academically and get good grades but I realized that in spending most of the day in college, I had to give more to gain more. But in Santiago it is different story, it is hard to get grade and there is a lot of attraction that attract me to be stun and relax my life but that is not a good thing because when I discover that when I enjoying my grade is falling. One thing I remember best is when we have a commercial competition we try our best and give the entire thing that we have. The completion is about radio commercial and T.V commercial in T.V commercial lost and I think we are 5 or 4 placer but in our radio commercial we won and we accepted to the final exam. In this competition I meet new friends and enemy in the sense of competition. In this past 2  ½ years experience a lot, experience that remarkable in my life, to be drunk, to be bullied or bullying anyone, to be love and to be unloved. I learn a lot of these college life but now I see myself that many thing have change to me, my pubic hair was grow, voice was become loud, attitude that even my father didn’t know me now, but even they see me like that I always say that I am Jhon Marco S. Bulanadi yes is a change man but a man with experience that will suited in the outside world of college that prepare in the true life and not scenario anymore. These moments are the special things in college that one will not get to experience at work or elsewhere. All in all I found college life to be demanding and unexpected, but I had my fair share of fun, and that’s what mattered most. I successfully made the transition from high school, to college, to the working world, with my sanity and health intact. Considering all things past, I would change if I had a chance, developed new skill if ever it is needed, Iam a innovative person that willing to change every day if it is needed. THE HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES THAT I EXPERIENCE AND MY LEARNING FROM THESE ABUSES Human rights are basic freedoms that all people are entitled to enjoy. But in every place even where human rights are acknowledged, people may not enjoy them equally. I experienced human rights abuse when I was still young. I was 7 yrs old when I had a teacher who was very cruel and strict. There was a time when I came to school late and she let me stand under the sun f0r a very long time. My freedom from cruelty and punishment was violated. Another is when my phone was confiscated at school and my teacher read all my text messages without my consent. She violated my privacy. My right to freedom of religion was also violated when someone was asking me to join a religious group even when I already said no because I am already happy with a religion I am already engaged with. I also have experienced inequality both at home and school. My parents sometimes do not treat us equally. Sometimes they give everything that my siblings ask for but when it comes to me, it takes much time and effort to convince them. In school, some teachers do not give equal and reasonable grades with students who exerted equal efforts. Sometimes, they give higher grades to their favorite students. As a human being, we should treat each other equally. We are all entitled to human rights regardless of age, race, color, sex, language, religion, property, birth, nationality an economic status. And of course, we should always remember the golden rule; do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.
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