Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Motivate or influence behavior Essay Example for Free
Motivate or influence behavior Essay Communication is defined by the text as the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior. ____ is necessary for communication to be considered two-way. Feedback Which of the following, in the communication process, has the responsibility to decode the symbols and interpret the meaning of the message? Receiver ____ and ____ are potential sources for communication errors, because knowledge, attitudes, and background act as filters. Decoding, encoding Channel richness refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode. Which communication channel would be most successful to inform managers of impending company-wide layoff? Face-to-face contact When an electronic mail system is installed as part of the communication system, what element of the communication process is changed? Channel ____ does not focus on a single receiver, uses limited information cues, and does not permit feedback. Bulletins Compared to men, women tend to use their unique conversational style to show involvement. Which of the following is the most familiar and obvious flow of formal communication? Downward communication ____ refers to messages designed to motivate employees to adopt the companys mission and cultural values and to participate in special ceremonies. Indoctrination Many organizations use suggestion boxes, open door policies, and surveys to facilitate centralized Which of the following links employees in all directions, ranging from the president through middle management, support staff, and line employees? The grapevine What percent of the details passed through a grapevine is accurate? 70 to 90 percent According to the text, all of the following are ways managers can improve their writing skills EXCEPT: Write lengthy explanations One of the most important things that a manager can do for the organization, according to the text, is to create a climate of trust and openness. Managers communication is _______-directed, in that it directs everyones attention toward the vision, values, and desired goals of the team or organization and influences people to act in a way to achieve the goals. purpose Which of the following is the best advice for written communication that is highly important? Get a second opinion To be effective communicators, managers should: Encourage the use of multiple channels of communication
Monday, January 20, 2020
death penalty Essay -- essays research papers
Death Penalty Introduction Informed arguments against the death penalty are more persuasive than arguments in favor of it, as the negative affects of the death penalty have become widely publicized and illustrate the ineffectiveness of this cruel punishment. The death penalty is an inefficient form of punishment as innocent offenders may be executed, superior forms of restitution are available, and it fails to deter crime, all of which contribute to informed arguments against it. Deterrence The primary function of the death penalty is to act as deterrence, yet evidence has indicted that this cruel punishment has failed to deter crime. †¢Ã‚     Inconsistent: Any punishment can be an effective deterrent only if it is consistently and promptly employed. The death penalty cannot be administered to meet these conditions as it is never consistent or employed correctly. Only a small proportion of first-degree murderers are sentenced to death, and even fewer are executed. The death penalty fails to deter because it is an inconsistent punishment, which permits offenders to believe that the punishment will not be applied. †¢Ã‚     Premeditated: Persons who commit murder and other crimes of personal violence either premeditate them or they do not. If the crime is premeditated, the criminal ordinarily concentrates on escaping detection, arrest, and conviction. The threat of even the severest punishment will not deter those who expect to...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Self Destruction In Dr Faustus And Macbeth English Literature Essay
In the unsafe kingdoms of Renaissance supernatural belief, ‘He who walketh in darkness knoweth non whither he goeth ‘ ( 4 Cosin ) . During the sixteenth and 17th centuries, Europe was possessed by an intense, unfortunate fright of malcifium, the menace of enchantresss, devils and the Devil himself. Infiltrating every country of life, no minute was free from possible contact with these awful animals, which were accepted as non merely endangering but a existent phenomenon. The demand to derive control over this devilish, apparently unstoppable force, led to the publication of plants such as The Malleus Maleficarum ( 1487 ) and Daemonologie ( 1597 ) , which non merely catalogued the supernatural menace, but besides questioned the relationship between worlds and the Devil. Beneath the absolute belief of the being of these malicious existences, these plants speak strongly about our ain destructiveness, leting a relation between the fright of the paranormal and the fright of th e unknown, potentially destructive possibilities the Renaissance ushered into Europe. Given the societal centrality of the supernatural, it is unsurprising that when such animals debuted upon the phase, the play they haunted became cardinal in the commotion of horror, craze and machination. The Tragic History of Dr Faustus and The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare severally, present two supporters who embody the powerful self-government of Men exposed to the luring possibilities of the Renaissance. Marlowe and Shakespeare were consciously cognizant of the province of panic environing the supernatural, but besides the ‘burgeoning enthusiasm of the period about humanity and its powers ‘ ( 3 Mebane ) . However, due to the heavy haze of superstitious notion that bewitched the common modern-day head, the supernatural elements in these dramas overshadowed the psychological geographic expedition of the vague parts of adult male. It is hence necessary to follow the form between the subjective every bit good as the nonsubjec tive immorality within the dramas to find the nature of Macbeth and Faustus ‘ self-construed devastation. Clark argues that because ordinary work forces and adult females interpreted misfortune as being caused by witchery, they were distracted from ‘the existent significance of their affliction ‘ ( 450 ) which was ‘the duty for events ‘ ( 450 ) . Therefore this essay will seek to find Faustus ‘ and Macbeth ‘s personal duty for their ain ruin, admiting both modern-day and modern positions. The ageless commotion of supernatural beliefs, brushs and frights kept societies of the Renaissance period suspended on the border of the boundary line between world and the occult. After digesting monarchal turbulency and the destructive effects of the Reformation, the 1580s to the 1600s in England were characterised by warring spiritual and political cabals, economic adversity and menace of foreign invasions, apparent in events such as the executing of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587 and the subsequent launch of the Spanish Armada in 1588. King James I, who experienced the reverberations of these events foremost manus, attributed his bad luck to the intercession of the Devil and witchery. Following his engagement in the North Berwick Witch Trials of 1590, he wrote the Daemonologie ( 1597 ) which reinforced the resoluteness of The Malleus Maleficarum ( 1487 ) that the fallibility of adult male was mostly to fault for the presence of evil due to God ‘s determination to let worlds s elf-determination, indicating to the duty of adult male. The innovation and rapid development of the publishing imperativeness from 1440 onwards meant that the circulation of thoughts and theories around Europe expanded vastly, opening up a new sphere of cognition to be explored. Maxwell-Stuart argues that the character of the Reformation was in many ways destructive, due to the crashing of spiritual ideals ( 115 ) . When using this expression to the Renaissance character, there is a similar destructive result. The ardent pursuit of cognition that enticed ungratified work forces beyond the ‘lawfull artes of scientific disciplines ‘ ( 10 James VI ) , meant that they succumbed to ‘the slipperie and uncertaine graduated table of curiousitie ‘ ( 10 James VI ) , taking them, in modern-day eyes, to the Devil. The Faust fable, in which a work forces sells his psyche to the Satan to capture this infinite cognition and power, is hence the perfect frame in which to capture the self-construed ruin of an ambitious character. Sh akespeare, on the other manus, drew inspiration from the Scots fable of King Macbeth. As the Scots monarchal line had ne'er been broken by foreign invasion, unlike England, the Crown was the prototype of power in Scotland. Apparently written to blandish James I, who was rumoured to be a descendent of Banquo, Shakespeare draws on the history of Scots male monarchs in order to underscore the magnitude of the power that tempts Macbeth. The gradual soaking up of Scotland into England with the combined monarchy of James I resonated with already bing frights of the unknown that society contributed to the Devil and his work. Before we can look at Dr Faustus, we must admit the disparity between the 1604 and 1616 publications. The bulk of grounds points to 1588 as the day of the month of the first production ( 282 Summers ) , but the drama was non published until more than a decennary subsequently. Nicholas Brooke argues that ‘The 1616 text is the nearer to what Marlowe wrote, and it retains more to the full the Morality drama characteristics which distinguish Faustus ‘ ( 94 ) . This statement is relevant to the subject of self devastation as it links to the thought of self-government. In the A text, a cardinal line reads: ‘never excessively tardily, if Faustus can atone ‘ , whereas in the B text it is changed to: ‘never excessively tardily, if Faustus will atone ‘ . The early version suggests Faustus is subjective to the outside forces, while the ulterior version suggests it is Faustus ‘ pick if he will atone. However this dissension is utile as it echoes the conf licting positions of modern-day audiences with modern twenty-four hours critics, and is something this essay will turn to. -Maybe travel this paragraph to earlier in the essay? Renaissance Christianity classified the Devil as the great adversary of God, alongside hosts of devils and enchantresss who worked jointly for ‘the self same generall ende, of scoring mankinde ‘ ( 2 Cosin ) . He is besides ‘the incarnation of an excessive pride, which led to his noncompliance and autumn ‘ ( 43 Maxwell-Stuart ) . The Devil is, hence, an of import figure, as his ‘overweening pride ‘ and fall relates to this destructive character, and is therefore an interesting psychological symbol to compare with Faustus and Macbeth. Yet, inquiries refering the echt power that the Devil had over human existences perplexed modern-day theologists: ‘were such visual aspects simply semblance, and if so, was the semblance created by him ‘ ( 68 Maxwell-Stuart ) . The portraiture of the Devil ‘s work upon the phase addresses this inquiry – the theater demands that we believe things that are non existent, yet the violent belief in t he world and the ocular devastation of these work forces speaks strongly to our ain, built-in destructiveness. In Dr Faustus, it is the treaty that binds Faustus to Mephastophilis, nevertheless all the needed elements to seal the treaty must be completed by Faustus. ( sentence needs a spot of tweaking ) Mephistopheles repetitively assures Faustus of the importance of his engagement: ‘But Faustus, 1000 must will it solemnly, / And compose a title of gift with thine ain blood ‘ ( 34-35: 5 ) . The accent on ‘thou must ‘ and ‘thine ain blood ‘ underscores Faustus ‘ lone duty, while the ‘deed of gift ‘ explicitly implicates Faustus in the act of giving his psyche, instead than it being taken by Mephistopheles. It is possible that Mephistopheles is pull stringsing Faustus, nevertheless Faustus ‘ chesty attitude surpasses any effort of Mephistopheles: ‘Faustus: What God can ache thee, Faustus? ‘ ( 25 ) Yet beliefs at the clip would hold suggested otherwise. Kramer and Sprenger, writers of The Malleus Maleficarum, determined that the Satan could non impact ‘natural actions, such as feeding, walking and standing ‘ ( 127 ) , nevertheless he could ‘affect the interior illusion, and darken the apprehension ‘ ( 123 ) , proposing Faustus ‘ desires may hold been heightened, as is seeable through the evil angel ‘s reminders of the wealth and power that awaits Faustus. This is evocative of the nature of the prognostications in Macbeth. Many readings of the prognostication were go arounding Europe at the clip, nevertheless the Daemonologie stated that the ‘Prophecie proceedeth onelie of GOD: and the Devill hath no cognition of things to come ‘ ( 3 James VI ) . One supposed power of the Satan was to engraft ideas by manner of seduction. If we consider the pretension of prognostication may hold been used in order to impact Macbeth ‘s ‘inner illusion ‘ , so we can see how the prognostication may hold been used non as a anticipation but as an evil tool. Furthermore, while the prognostications are spoken with supernatural presence, when they come to go through it is in non-supernatural fortunes. For illustration, Macbeth believes that he shall ne'er be threatened until ‘Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him ‘ ( 92-93: Act 4 Scene 2 ) . However the wood does travel but merely as the soldi ers of Macduff use the subdivisions from the trees as camouflage. One the other manus, the Devil ‘s presence is ever alluded to: ‘Banquo: What, can the devil speak true? ‘ ( 108: Act I Scene III ) . Therefore, if the audience believes the Devil is at that place, so he will be, as demonstrated in the reported visual aspect of excess Satans upon the phase in public presentations of Dr Faustus. The metaphysical universe of immorality is merely seeable when the audience are removed from the haze of craze and fright that ruled them in modern-day times. Nicholas Brooke argued that: ‘On the one manus, supernatural manifestations are external to adult male ; on the other they are partially suggested as nonsubjective realisations of psychological struggle ‘ ( 93 ) . While this complicates affairs, it acknowledges both the beliefs of the modern-day audience and alerts us to Shakespeare ‘s appreciation of psychological projection. We must see so, the personality and scruples of Macbeth and Faustus. The thought that the bad lucks allegedly brought by witchery were chiefly a affair for the scruples was dominant among the Protestant curates of early modern Europe ( 445 Clark ) . Machiavelli held pessimistic positions about the nature of adult male, claiming that all work forces were inherently evil, and this claim has survived until modern times, with Eliot asseverating that ‘we are all, of course, impure ‘ ( 103 ) . It is difficult to state if Macbeth would hold committed the slaying had the thought non been implanted, yet the fact he goes on to slay Banquo and Macduff ‘s household demonstrates an evil run that would non be present in a moral adult male. Furthermore, the legion mentions to Macbeth ‘s aspiration demo his duty: ‘I have no spur/ To prick the sides of my purpose, but only/ Vaulting aspiration ‘ ( 25-27: Act I Scene 7 ) . He has nil to halt him from his homicidal p urposes, once more underscoring his deficiency of ethical motives, and has merely his aspiration to drive him on. However, his scruples is profoundly affected by his slayings, as evident in the visual aspect of Banquo: ‘Thy castanetss are marrowlesse, thy blood is cold: / Thou hast no guess in those eyes/ Which thou dost blaze with ‘ ( REFERENCE ) . Again frequently considered to be an objectification of Macbeth ‘s guilt, the deficiency of ‘speculation ‘ in Banquo ‘s eyes to the full hold Macbeth responsible for his slaying. Furthermore, the perturbation of Macbeth ‘s mental province emphasises the extent of guilt he feels, proposing he besides realises the entireness of his duty in his eventual destruction.- This all seems to suit in truly good with the paragraph stoping ‘ambition to drive him on'- Maybe intergrate them or at least set this one heterosexual after? Modern critics mostly take the position that the enchantresss are: ‘nothing more than the objectification upon the phase of Macbeth ‘s evil passions and desires ‘ ( 397 W. Curry ) . Macbeth observes them vanishing and exclaims: ‘Into the air ; and what seemed corporal/ melted, / As breath into the air current. Would they had stayed! ‘ ( 81-83: Act I Scene III ) . Their unsubstantial signifier and the simile ‘as breath into the air current ‘ represent the fleeting ideas within Macbeth ‘s head, the deep whirl of possibility that has struck him at this precise minute. On modern-day phases, the disappearing of the Witches may hold been hard to show in this manner, nevertheless in the book we can see the imitation of idea. The repeat of ‘All hail, Macbeth ‘ ( 54 -58: Act I, Scene III ) echoes the resonance of the possibility within Macbeth ‘s head. Montague Summers provinces: ‘They are non agents of immorality, they a re evil ‘ ( 287 ) , hence if the Witches are contemplations of Macbeth ‘s head, we must assume his personality is besides evil. Similarly to Macbeth and the enchantresss, we could reason that the Good and Evil angels are merely objectifications of Faustus ‘ scruples and personality. The incarnation of his scruples upon the phase would expose to a modern-day audience a conflict between adult male and immorality, to modern audiences it shows a battle with the ego, one which Faustus rapidly looses. He states that it is non merely the words of Valdes and Cornelius that have persuaded him to rehearse the dark humanistic disciplines, but ‘mine ain phantasy ‘ ( 103: 1 ) . Eliot argued for the ‘alarming importance ‘ ( 96 ) of personality. He surmises that ‘strong passion is merely interesting or important in strong work forces ; those who abandon themselves without opposition to exhilarations which tend to strip them of ground, go merely instruments of feeling and free their humanity ‘ ( 97 ) . This is the instance with Faustus and Macbeth, who separately abandon all oppositi on to their desires, non because of the Devil, but because of their ‘strong passion ‘ . Contemporary histories of Marlowe ‘s decease vary greatly yet are all belittling. Thomas Beard remarked that Marlowe died as a consequence of his profane furies, stating ‘He even cursed and blasphemed to his last gaspe ‘ ( 11 ) . Marlowe was besides likened to the Satan, with his decease being described as him holding ‘yielded up his stinking breath ‘ ( 12 Meres ) , about as though he had been exorcised. However, as the supernatural belief that grasped England began to loosen, the superstitious notion was stripped back from his individual and he was appreciated as a complex and misunderstood author. Faustus was besides studied as an person instead than an agent of immorality. Faustus besides began to have the same intervention. Later critics began to look at Faustus as an person, instead than a despicable misbeliever. William Hazlitt radius of ‘the freshness of the imaginativeness ‘ ( 17 ) , and while his lecherousness for power is still ackn owledged, it is understood in the context of a adult male whose ‘unhallowed wonder ‘ ( 16 Drake ) spurred him to the border of the huge abysm of the unknown that the Renaissance civilization of cognition ushered in. We can understand hence understand Faustus suicide as a merchandise of the race to get rid of the unknown. Macbeth has non been given the same intervention, as his homicidal workss mark a disturbed character instead than one of despairing wonder. Yet, like Faustus, he does embody †Everyman ‘ ( 24 Ellis-Fermour ) , as he is driven by the destructive forces of the pandemonium that marred Shakespeare ‘s clip, that potentially could impact anyone with a desire for power.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
How to Help the Poor in During Natural Disasters in the...
Natural disasters can severely damage communities and must be properly prepared for. Minority groups in the low income population generally held a greater risk in suffering from natural disasters than other groups. This was largely due to the fact that low income populations do not trust the government and traditional methods using social media were ineffective on them. To solve this problem the authors applied the grassroots approach and created the Guide to Enhance Risk Communication Among Low-Income Populations. The Grassroots System utilizes community, faith, and business organizations that serve low income minority populations. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Morgan State University’s School of Community†¦show more content†¦The answers of the participants were already biased. Also, even though the research group was assessed on their views of the avian flu pandemic there was a lack of response and finding published in the article. That l ack of response makes the authors appear to have had their own empathetic attitudes towards the treatment of low-income African Americans in natural disasters. This may be attributed to the fact that the study was made in collaboration with Morgan State University, a historically black college. A quote that I found particularly interesting was from a participant that said I don’t have a plan. There isn’t too much happening around here.†I thought this quote described the average citizen well. Most people believe that nothing is going to happen to them until it actually does. This further reinforces the fact that people need to still be properly educated on disaster preparedness. Another example of this would be the snow disaster that happened in Georgia a couple weeks ago. A statement that I also found surprising was â€Å"More than half (52%) of study participants felt that both racism and classism were the primary reasons for the inadequate provision of emergency management services.†One may think that the United States has moved on from dealing with racism. But there appears to still be many individuals who feel that racial attitudes still exist today. I thought this was very interesting because most people don’t usuallyShow MoreRelated Community Health Nursing Final Exam Study Guide Essay15874 Words  | 64 Pagesneed to be treated. Being brought to the ED is extremely expensive. Critical interventions are very costly, and so are all the diagnostic tests that must be done. They usually don’t have insurance. High mental heath issues in the homeless population. High risk for infections, trauma, violence. Don’t age very well. Where do they seek health care services? 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