Monday, April 13, 2020
Public Relations Essay Samples
Public Relations Essay SamplesPublic relations essays are essays written by experts in the field, who work with clients or other agencies to make their clients and their business look more professional. There are a lot of public relations essay samples that are available online, but they are all written by real people. Some may be famous, while others are just ordinary citizens, depending on the company. These essays are written in writing but are designed to be persuasive.Public relations is something that everybody has to do, from the executives to the customers, and everyone has their own way of doing it. Some do it by the law, but many can't understand the rules, especially because of the nature of the situation. You can find things that some companies, who have already given their consent to the commercial use of the essays, have put in the essay, as well as the reasons for why the essay is being done. And while most of these are open for public review, some remain locked up for secrecy, either due to privacy reasons or because of business interests. What you need to know about these is that they are not all really a part of the process, and the clients and the advertisers don't really care, since they only look at the results.Most of the public relations essay samples have written with the aim of persuading the reader, and the readers are usually looking for information that will make them think differently of the services being offered, and this could be done through the story that has been given. And if the story doesn't get people's attention, that's the end of the story. Even though a public relations essay is more subtle than a lot of the marketing materials that are being put out, it is still a fact that people do care about the quality of the service that the company is offering.The writers for public relations essays usually use strong language in some cases, even though the only purpose of this is to get people to read and think, and to take an e ducated decision. They know that because people's actions depend on how they feel, what they eat, and what they wear, that it is good to be bold and blunt. These people are also aware that by their name being mentioned, it will also get noticed and be told of by the person who gets the service.In public relations essays, there are no rules to follow, nor are there regulations, like with other marketing materials. Because they're not a part of the process, the very purpose of their existence is to encourage customers to think in a different way. They are usually put into the public relations techniques because they make the company look like they have the more professional image, while their customers feel like they are getting something for nothing.For public relations, the more conventional things, like names, logos, slogans, and words, are not really needed, because the audience will look at the first two lines of the resume, and what will be shown is the bottom line. So the essay s need to give them what they want.Public relations essays are not all about the corporations making an appearance, but are usually about the clients coming to get their business done, and they are interested in how the writer has done it. The fact that there are no rules about the content, they are useful for businesses, regardless of their size. A little creativity goes a long way, and a lot of thought can go a long way too.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Vaginal Yeast Infection Essay Example
Vaginal Yeast Infection Essay Vaginal yeast infection (Candida Vaginalis) Vaginal yeast infection is an infection of the vagina, most commonly due to the fungus Candida albicans. Causes Most women will have a vaginal yeast infection at some time. Candida albicans is a common type of fungus. It is often present in small amounts in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract, and on the skin. Usually it does not cause disease or symptoms. Candida and the many other germs or microorganisms that normally live in the vagina keep each other in balance. However, when the vagina has certain favorable conditions, the number of Candida albicans increases, leading to a yeast infection. Some of these favorable conditions include:  ·Antibiotics used to treat other types of infections change the normal balance between organisms in the vagina by decreasing the number of protective bacteria.  ·Being pregnant, having diabetes, or being obese all create conditions that help yeast grow more easily. Vaginal candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, a small number of men will develop symptoms such as itching and a rash on the penis after having sexual contact with an infected partner. Having many vaginal yeast infections may be a sign of other health problems. Other vaginal infections and discharges can be mistaken for a vaginal yeast infection. Repeat infections that occur immediately after treatment, or a yeast infection that does not respond to any treatment, may be an early sign that a person is infected with HIV. Symptoms  ·Abnormal vaginal discharge oRanges from a slightly watery, white discharge to a thick, white, chunky discharge (like cottage cheese)  ·Pain with intercourse  ·Painful urination  ·Redness and swelling of the vulva  ·Vaginal and labial itching, burning Exams and Tests A pelvic examination will be done. We will write a custom essay sample on Vaginal Yeast Infection specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Vaginal Yeast Infection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Vaginal Yeast Infection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It may show swelling (inflammation) of the skin of the vulva, in the vagina, and on the cervix. The health care provider may find dry, white plaques on the vaginal wall. A small amount of the vaginal discharge is examined using a microscope (called a wet mount and KOH test). It will show Candida. Sometimes, a culture is taken when the infection does not improve with treatment or comes back many times. Your doctor may also choose to do tests to find other causes of your symptoms. Treatment Medications for vaginal yeast infections are available in either vaginal creams or suppositories. Most can be bought without a prescription. Treating yourself at home is probably okay if:  ·Your symptoms are mild and you do not have pelvic pain or a fever  ·This is not your first yeast infection and you have not had many yeast infections in the past  ·You are not pregnant  ·You are not worried about other sexually transmitted diseases from recent sexual contact If your symptoms do not get better after one course of these medicines, or they become worse, see your health care provider. If your symptoms go away, but then return over the next several weeks or months, also see your health care provider. Medications you can buy yourself to treat a vaginal yeast infection are miconazole, clotrimazole, tioconazole, and butoconazole. Read the packages carefully and use them as directed. Do not stop using these medications early because your symptoms are better. You will need a 3 7-day course, depending on which medicine you buy. A single pill of a medicine called fluconazole, prescribed by your doctor or nurse, can also treat the yeast infection. If your symptoms are more severe or you have repeat vaginal yeast infections, you may need to take a longer course of therapy, up to 14 days. Some women who continue to have repeat infections may need to take a clotrimazole vaginal suppository or one oral dose of fluconazole every week to prevent new infections. To help prevent and treat vaginal discharge:  ·Keep your genital area clean and dry. Avoid soap and rinse with water only. Sitting in a warm, but not hot bath may help your symptoms.  ·Avoid douching. Although many women feel cleaner if they douche after menstruation or intercourse, it may actually worsen vaginal discharge because it removes healthy bacteria lining the vagina that protect against infection. Eat yogurt with live cultures or take Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets when you are on antibiotics to prevent a yeast infection.  ·Use condoms to avoid catching or spreading sexually transmitted diseases.  ·Avoid using feminine hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.  ·Avoid wearing extremely tight-fitting pants or shorts, which may cause irritation.  ·Wear cotton underwear or co tton-crotch pantyhose. Avoid underwear made of silk or nylon, because these materials are not very absorbant and restrict air flow. This can increase sweating in the genital area, which can cause irritation.  ·Use pads and not tampons.  ·Keep your blood sugar levels under good control if you have diabetes. Possible Complications Chronic or recurrent infections may occur if you do not get the proper treatment, you reinfect yourself, or you have an underlying medical condition. Secondary infection may occur. Intense or prolonged scratching may cause the skin of the vulva to become cracked and raw, making it more likely to get infected.
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